ShadowLands and quitting

i figured you were quitting because the tower dropped one timer for another, and is now yet another M+ mechanic.

Its just a number, your power and gameplay will be the same.

Same. BFA’s pointless stat squish killed whatever chance there would have been of me playing BFA. Shadowlands’ pointless level squish will kill WoW(meaning I won’t be playing Wow: Classic either).

levels are meaningless in this game. They are only there to give your brain a squirt of dopamine and make you feel good for grinding out experience points.

If they got rid of levels altogether you wouldn’t even notice a change in how the game functioned.

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I don’t think a level squish was needed, especially not because of the reasoning behind it, ie “new players are so stupid they are frightened by big numbers like 120”.

Nobody would have cared about numbers. Nobody did care about level numbers until Ion created the problem. All people cared about was that it felt like they were making progress. And with level scaling, no matter how fast leveling is, it’s a bore because you feel like you’re making no progress.

Leveling is just an enormously long bar you fill by killing hundreds of thousands of identical mobs in tens of thousands of trashpacks while browsing the internet or watching netflix to keep from falling asleep.

Level scaling, a new stat squish every expansion, and the level squish are all part of Ion’s master plan to turn the game into what he thinks it always should have been.

I don’t expect to be playing, because it looks like there will be zero content for casuals. Everyone will have to progress on Torghast or no content for you!

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I mean, your loss.

Lol, your level gets reset every content patch.

I really don’t get this, and I’ve tried. There are so many people just furious about the level squish–like really upset about going from 120 to 60 like they’re being demoted or something.

I can’t process that. I don’t “get” what it is that they don’t get, so I can’t engage with it meaningfully.

The level squish NEEDS to happen, and the way they’re implementing it is going to remove confusion. This whole “hopping from one timeline to another” and questing in spaces of future-past events will no longer happen. There will be less to confuse the crap out of new players/returning players, and the level and DPS/HPS numbers will be scaled back into manageable quantities.

If you’re mad about being a 60 instead of a 120 because the lower number bothers you; you’re looking at it incorrectly. That’s just all I can say at this point. You’re just failing to understand what it means.

The squish is a very, Very, VERY good thing.

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People are really that hung up over numbers?

For those people can I trade you 2 ten cent coins for your 1 dollar coin? That way you have 2 coins and I have one. You will have the bigger number! :joy:

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Maybe hold off and quit after you at least try the experience. I haven’t read anything on the talent system being changed, but that has been the one thing I have hated since the revamp several expansions ago.

Leveling squish would be nice . Having to play DK and DH at level 1 .

Good bye you won’t be missed.

My alt army of 50 120’s doesn’t mind i’ve got a screenshot of my altoholic letting me remember that at one time i was at level cap and never will be that high again. More power to those that try the new leveling experience i’ll stick to farming old raids and knowing that my babies are locked on the new target of 60. Unless a new allied race or two pops up then i might have to make a few cuts to fill out my roster. Level squish doesn’t mean anything its just a number and on the other hand i do know some jrpgs that take that cap up to 255. I wish you well in your endeavors OP and i hope you enjoy or change your mind and return to the fold.
One old Altoholic

Then you don’t understand or haven’t paid attention to the evolution of this game.

Level squish has been an idea since the end of Cataclysm. Everyone knew this wasn’t sustainable. Why do you think Cata and Mists were 5-level expansions in the first place? It was the first attempt to slow the inevitable snowball. Then they shifted to stats, but it just wasn’t ever going to contain the bloat. 120+ levels are psychologically daunting and a huge discouragement to new players regardless of how fast you can actually reach cap. And at the end of the day, from a business perspective that was something that needed correction for the longevity of the franchise.

This was going to happen no matter what at one point or another so you might as well go ahead and cancel sub my friend.

We’ll see you in SL Launch day.

It means nothing, you could literally write the number 60 on a post-it note and stick it in the corner of your screen over where your level is and it would have the exact same amount of impact on the game.

grunt Me am need big numbers, because me am not feel like can punch tiger in face without big number!



This statement implies other reasons as well. Curious if those make more sense than this one.

I am waiting until the changes, like the level squish and turning consecutive chapters of a story into a disordered anthology, to actually happen…

… and then will judge them disastrous :grin:!

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:cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: for you!!!

Alright! Cya next expansion Op