The release of Shadowlands provided a new opportunity to streamline and redesign the character creation process. Go behind-the-scenes with Senior UI Designer Jeff Liu to learn more about the thought processes behind it.
Thank you.
Didn’t know New Players don’t see Allied Races on their character selection screen, that’s actually pretty neat.
Prob creates that sense of wonder going into the game and seeing a Void Elf or Vulpera or something and makes them be like “how do I get to play as that??”
Then google rabbit hole ensues lol
That female worgen visual bug is just…GAH!
Thank you, Blizzard. Is there any chance of getting custom background options in the future?
Does anyone else see the Joker?
Thank you! The team did an amazing job
blizzard, we want this as the next allied race.
Thank you for letting us see a little bit about the creative process and understand a little about what all was involved and how it came to be for the final product.
That was really interesting and you all did an amazing job on the character creation screen. It’s super easy to navigate and you definitely focus on your character. I had no idea that new players see it differently.
What a great article, hope we see more in the future!
hahaha, look at that it has tiddies
WoW art team, every expansion do a better job, they are amazing
i hope WoW lore team (if wow have) and class design become great like Art Team
The new character creation screen is a pain in the neck, though. All this random crap that you have to turn off to make characters look the way they’re supposed to.
I tend to agree with this, until I look at the recolors-upon-recolors, the boring SL mogs, the green-on-gray or gray-on-gray zones, etc.
Usually the art team carries the LFR devs, but this xpac has really shown their faults.
Allied race? I think it should replace the current female worgen model.
we’re to assume that’s what they are
Looks like how mogit has been since 8.3 broke it. >_>
You have UI designers? Have they tried designing any UIs? It’s been worldofaddons for 20 years.
more options for more people are great. thanks blizz. now just add some new voice lines for some new jokes to replace the old “bad” ones… and I’ll think i’ll be happy.