Shadowlands Alpha Voices

Glad to hear that Draka is basically the same as the one we met in WoD.

Almost like they could’ve just brought that one over from the Mag’har recruitment scenario and saved the spot in Maldraxxus for someone else.

Yeah, I can’t help but feel that would be the horde getting just desserts after everything its done. I think the alliance would need to double the horde’s aggression and atrocities throughout all of WoW before it’d properly tilt the other direction for a while to balance out “bad guy time”.

You would make sense if not for the fact that for every person like you claim that you didnt enjoy it there is another claiming they were gleefuly killing alliance or that sylvanas was right and enjoying it, so yea this is part of the problem and why this claim that “the horde didnt enjoy it” sounds hypocritical, you dont even acknowledge this part of the horde exists.


War of Thorns was paired with Siege of Undercity. And War of Thorns ended with the Horde player being revealed as having colluded with a terrible war crime.

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Do what I did. Just not play during the War of Thorns at all.

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I recognize that horde players like that exist. However I might point out they got screwed over in the end too by blizzard forcing them to be ‘the good guys’ and play neutral hero to more heroes from the alliance going forward. They got screwed in the end too.

I also hate to break this to you but some Alliance players actually have liked the Alliance story in BfA. Zerde, on this very forum, is an example. No players views are entirely universal of their faction. There are Alliance players who are perfectly fine with the idea of the NEs getting royally screwed over if it gives the Alliance a chance to reclaim Lordaeron.

Blizzard has long claimed that WoW was a ‘hero factory’. They make stories about heroes. If they were going to just make the Horde villians, then fine. But they play this two faced, nonsensical crap which makes the Horde’s identity and professed values and qualities a joke. They force the Horde play who want to be heroes play villains and the players who want to play villains heroes. You think those guys cheering over Teldrassil were happy listening to Tyrande’s moaning over Malfurion and playing the role of lackey for her in Legion?

Expect it to likely happen in Shadowlands to. So far we have Vol’jin as the only former member of the Horde actually active. On the other hand there is no less than at least 3 former Alliance heroes in the narrative and two current ones. Not exactly promising. Apparently the Horde should get excited over Kael’Thas, who was about as much part of the Horde as Kil’Jeaden was part of the Alliance and Draka who was long dead by the time the modern horde was founded.

So cut the crap. All your saying is that the Horde’s narrative isn’t only bad but nonsensical and so bipolar that no Horde player gets a satisfying outcome.

Don’t talk to me about hypocrisy and then start talking about the Horde players getting screwed over being ‘fair’. That is hypocrisy two times over.

Instead you played the loyal lackey for WoW hitler.


Did I? Here I thought I spent most of the time being Telanji’s personal assistant.

So you didn’t do the introductory quests of the expansion and didn’t do any of the war campaign? You were Telanji’s personal assistant so Sylvanas could get the Zandalari fleet to continue the war of genocide she started. Your still a loyal member of WoW hitler’s army.


Nope. Just skipped War of Thorns. Aside from that, still did all of the questing. I guess that makes me a Sylvanas lackey, at least up until I started undermining her efforts on behalf of Saurfang and Baine anyway. I’ll take comfort in the fact that while helping Telanji the Horde protected Azeroth from a gross disease god. It’s a good thing along with the bad and I’m relieved that the bad’s now over.

Wouldn’t a defense of your capital be a reason to perceive someone as a threat and an enemy, which is why I said yes, The Battle back from Darkshore and Ashenvale to Orgrimmar’s flanks, and then the Warfront …with Sylvanas against Tyrande as the thematic climax, and the two of them in a draw. thats would be atleast a reason to be here and be motivated for this warfront, but you don´t like to lose anything, right? because you complain about the nightelf take THEIR land back.

What I meant is that with 8.0 you have already been made a Villian, 8.1 was not more terrible than 8.0


It’s not because Blizzard didn’t try, though. The horde lumber camp in Darkshore used to be a concentration camp before player complaints got it changed in the PTR.


Ah, yes. I almost forget about that part

It is hard to feel like your defending heroic when your already put in the role of antagonist. Every attack the Horde took from the Alliance this expansion was due to a fight it, very brutally started. It is hard to get outraged because the guy peaceful guy who’s kids you beat up turns out to be a martial arts champion who can mope the floor with you. It is hard to feel outraged then the situation makes you feel like everything you suffer is punishment for actions you took. The problem is, horde players didn’t get to make that choice. This expansion made me have complete contempt for my own faction. I am not even sure why it is worth defending at this point. I can’t even stomach the Horde story in BfA. There is a reason this character, who has been my main for years, is 120.

I don’t have an issue with the NEs getting their lands back. I think it was stupid getting them taken in the first place. I do have an issue with horde players who are already having to deal with getting painted the villain having to be humiliated as well. I don’t see any of these players concerned about the NEs getting story to reclaim their lands arguing that the Forsaken should get a similar story. The territory the Horde lost is pretty much ignored once they lost it. God, they have even said the Forsaken’s story isn’t even going to get addressed at the start of Shadowlands. God knows when they will ever bother to deal with the fact that the population of the Forsaken are completely homeless.

Some half measure isn’t going to save the horde narrative and make the horde getting curb stomped feel any better. No it wouldn’t give motivation for the warfront.

That logic is like saying ‘well your story is already ruined so how does making it worse matter?’ Your basically arguing for a scenario where the Horde is brutally humiliated in conflict by the Alliance and requires our sole heavy hitter just to keep from being wiped out and losing Orgrimmar. The strongest center of power of the Horde almost wiped out by two homeless alliance races.

Do you realize the Horde doesn’t win one major conflict in BfA after the War of Thorns. We lose every one. Every horde attack is countered. Every Warfront is lost. At the end of 8.15 both sides say the horde is losing on EVERY front. Our entire efforts in Zandalar failed completely. We failed to stop Zul’s forces from ravaging the Kingdom and freeing their god. We failed to stop the Alliance from raiding the city and breaking the Zandalari’s military power, the main reason we went there in the first place, and we failed when the Alliance turned all out efforts agianst them in the War campaign mean nothing by using the artifact we spent the whole time trying to get against us.

The only reason the Horde didn’t suffer total defeat was because the NAGA saved us. We had to be saved by the BAD guys to keep from the Alliance totally kicking our butts. So not only are we villainous monsters who fight dirty and who’s claims to morality and honor complete hypocracy, but we are also weak and can’t even hold our own without dirty tactics and being saved by outside forces.

All the scenario your painting would do is just add salt to the wounds by rubbing in the fact that we are not only villains but weak villains.


I think BFA would have worked better if the Alliance was the “evil” this expansion. They have all the justification for it, there are hundreds of reasons for the Alliance to execute a systematic dismantling of the Horde. In the face of new aggressive Alliance conflict have Saurfang struggle to maintain honor in a Horde that is struggling to survive.

This way you have the Horde being the underdogs trying to survive the fallout of a situation they really had no hand in (burning of teld) and you have the Alliance being morally grey for once with the justification to actually make it work.


it would be out of character, so no it wouldnt be better, when are people gonna realize that the faction war is not going be happy time for anyone.


It would not at all be out of character for the Alliance to retaliate with escalating violence at this point. It would make more sense than “Lets leave and not occupy the Zandalari capital because we are good guys :3”.

The Alliance is made up of mortal races with emotions, not omnipresent beings who can see a meta view of events. The Horde has committed systematic genocide to every Alliance race at this point in addition to numerous hostile takeovers of their territory. The Alliance just looks incompetent.


Then they wouldnt be evil, burning was evil, and this is a game, zandalar cant be occupyed because its the horde city for the xpac

If there was going to be no lasting consequence to the sacking of an enemy capital then they should not have made it into the raid. Leaving it because we must preserve our morality is utter lunacy and was actually the point I did not care about this expac anymore.

The gameplay aspect is understood by me but it does not change the narrative reason being stupid.


I the alliance did what it was suppose to, they came in destroyed the navy and killed the king, knocking the horde trump card out of the war. if you want to commit war crimes your playing the wrong faction