Shadowlands: A Look at Cross-Faction Instances

This first baby step is appreciated, but it doesn’t do much of anything until Cross-Faction Guilds are added. We know that it is not a technical limitation because cross-faction guilds existed on the PTR.

Please stop blizzing it up and releasing halfway completed content! Just do it properly the first time and add cross-faction guilds now.

edit: Just think of all the sweet $$ you will make from faction transfers when thousands of Horde players can finally choose Alliance races they prefer but still raid with their guild. If doing it for the betterment of the game doesn’t convince you, at least do it for the cash!

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I think May 31st? Saw it on Twitter from them.

lets not let the two lore nerds who don’t have anything going for themselves outside of wow make us not break the barrier completely, I’m not trying to be rude I just dont know how else to put it.

It seems to be only people who are so deathly serious about lore like its the only thing they live for that are against cross faction, cross faction is something people want.

Cross faction guilds.
Random content should be cross faction for faster queue times

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Meh… half measure as usual. This is really not very exciting with so many restrictions catering to some tiny, tiny minority of people who think hating players on the other faction is cool or something… Just dissolve all the boundries like the vast majority of people have been asking for.

No cross faction guilds, no LFD/LFR, no world content and stuff like “However, the group leader may restrict the listing to same-faction applicants if they choose.” just feels like you’re promoting toxicity, tribalism and divisions that already is too rife in the world today. Should be free to cross faction guild and group in the world etc… this is so restrictive it just doesn’t feel worth the effort to even care about.

For example I doubt many horde raid guilds are going to bother recruiting alliance members that can’t actually join the guild and participate with the guild bank, guild achievements, cant be in guild chat, no guild repairs, can’t do world activities like new zone world content with guildies, screw up wowprogress/rio rankings and thus effect recruiting etc., when it’s easy enough to just recruit horde. And you won’t truly feel apart of the guild when you can’t even actually join it in game… you’ll always feel like somewhat of an outsider and that will create social conflict.

And as for alliance guilds, why would a hordie look for an Alliance guild they can only pretend join when they can just easily find a Horde guild without so many restrictions? So this won’t help alliance raid guild recruitment much if at all.

Alliance will still be second class citizens in end game content till all restrictions are gone and they can join any guild they want freely and with no stupid restrictions and work arounds required.

Rip the bandaid off… stop pulling on it slowly and then just leaving it halfway on and forgetting about it probably. The fact that there was a bug that allowed cross faction guilds to work on PTR that they went and fixed just shows that the technology is there.


Literally just look at everything thats happen in the story for the past 3 years.

There should be functionality in the random queues like the group finder where you can choose cross faction or not. I don’t understand why we’re just focused on having to build groups with the other faction first and foremost, but it is a good start. About four years too late, my friends are all gone and wanted to play with me while being Alliance, but I guess better late than never. Please keep exploring more ways to open it up further.


As a glitch they do, not something that was actively shown

If they don’t want the other faction in the guild, it’s really simple to just not invite them. There already is an easy solution

The Shadowlands 9.2.5 content update arrives on May 31 and comes with a variety of features and experiences such as cross-faction play, new questlines for Blood Elf and Dark Iron Dwarf characters, a new PvP arena, and more!

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Factions are going away entirely in 11.0 because Blizzard is just giving up.

Sometimes a Bug is telling you something.

In such cases the intelligent solution would be to recognize that players want Cross Faction Guilds and instead of claiming it is impossible (which the bug proves it is not), working to implement it with no if’s, and’s or buts. Alternatively, ignoring that and being tone-deaf as the Developers seem to be on this matter, will simply incentivize players going forward NOT to report such bugs and deny them any further feedback.

Such conduct is not really tenable for a game with so many bad takes, especially in the last year. This is what happens when you have Developers that continually act contrary to reasonable requests by the players, and then often do what these forums call “Monkey Paw” effect.

Which is to say, Blizzard grants the request and does it, but does it in such a way that they can save face and get in the last domination word; thus resulting in the original request being hideously deformed.

IMHO the Jailer was a excellent mascot for the game’s direction since Legion. Generic, bland, and ultimately shown to be a robot focused on dominating or enslaving anyone who opposed him.

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Random BGs, you know the part of the game where you’re actually killing the opposing faction, has queued xFaction already. Why wouldn’t you apply this for the PVE aspect of your game, where cooperation between the factions makes more sense anyways? You only just need to have them take on the group leaders faction appearance.


YES!! Finally an update that actually excites me. Cross faction grouping is goin to make things so much more immersive. The blood elf quests/skins are a really nice touch too.

Can we send mail (non BoA items) to our characters of the opposite faction?


Not like the mix of roles is any better on either side. Queue times aren’t likely to change much with both in the pool.

Yeah, the moment cross-faction guilds are a thing, Blizz will instantly make hundreds of dollars from me off of faction transfers and server transfers. No joke.

I am begging you, Blizzard, let me give you my money.


But not this, please. I want to play as my actual character, and there’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to.


Oh joy, twice and thrice more the idiots in LFR and Dungeon queues.

This is a bad idea. It could get out of hand and ruin the playing experience for most players because there is a significant number of players out there that are annoyances just because they can and no one does anything about them. Remember horde players killing the quest givers out in Westfall just to annoy players and prevent them from progressing? They are still doing it.

I have played this game for over 15 years and the quality of player base has diminished far past into the depths of C’Thun’s nether regions. Raids, LFRs and Dungeons have literally been ruined by a few players who make trouble and cause havoc for the rest of us trying to just get the instance done and move on.

Besides, everyone is suppose to forget about what the horde did on several occasions and just shake hands and play together? They killed thousands of alliance and we’re supposed to fight along side of them now?

I bet Microsoft said to do this or they won’t buy out Activision. Leave it up to MS to mess up another good thing in life. #shakesfistatmicrosofthordies

And instead of this feature that more than likely will kill off this game - WHERE ARE THE REST OF THE HERITAGE GEAR SETS FOR THE OTHER RACES THAT WE WERE PROMISED?


Welcome changes all around, thank you for the 2 decades of fun and supporting this grand social experiment this game has been, thank you for the great changes that are upcoming. Furthermore, thank you for putting up with our communities’ toxic attitude towards every change, this is a great step forward and it sure feels like the game is moving towards the right direction once again.

Thank you


In the article that redirects the reader here it stated that players can do normal, heroic mythic and m+ cross faction. Does this mean we can now PuG cross server also? or do we need to still wait for the hall of fame nonsense?

Can we please look into making mythic accessible cross realm right way? or lowering the bar to the first 10 kills to unlock it, here we are getting a .5 patch before we are even able to go cross server for mythic. This seems to me like an unnecessary content hurdle that i as a raid leader struggle with every single tier, and it is not like we are on some obscure low population server, we are Dalaran-US {Alliance} (full pop).

Premade Groups in the Group Finder listings for Mythic dungeons, raids, or rated arena/RBGs are now open to applicants of both factions, though the group leader may choose to restrict the listing to same-faction applicants if they so choose.

Random matchmade activities like Heroic dungeons, Skirmishes, or Random Battlegrounds will all remain same-faction.

So my first thought is what happens if you get a mix of horde and alliance from the group finder, but instead of doing an m+ you click to queue for random MM content.

Will it not queue because the group “doesn’t meet the required specifications”?
Or will the meta be to make a 5 man group from group finder and then queue for the heroic dungeon circumventing the normal single faction dungeon queue?