Shadowlands: A Chilling Summons | Death Gate wont OPEN?

Just to say, I just boosted a an Alliance Rogue, and I’m stuck in Stormwind with no Gate

So it’s still bugged

Same problem here, no matter how many times I drop and retake the quest.

Having boosted a character myself, here’s what happened. Maybe unlike everyone, I was still on the class trial when I completed the Maw intro scenario, arrived in Oribos, and picked my covenant. I boosted, got thrown back to the class trial, so did that, then by the part where Morgraine should have opened the Death Gate for me in Stormwind, he didn’t. So I went exploring a bit in the portal room in SW and found Oribos open, was able to click through and found my way back to Oribos to pick up where I left off and started aiding the Shadowlands from the table in the Conclave.

The short verse, when you arrive in Org/SW for the summon, check the portal rooms after the cinematic.

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did the exact same thing. but cant enter the maw. do i have to continue aiding the shadowlands quest to get into the maw ?

I Solved the problem but it took some serious creativity on my part. First, when you boost a character you have one campaign overlapping another. First you have to abandon the “Chilling Summons” and go out to the dock and pick up the quest “Fate of the Horde”. However, the Shadowlands quests keeps popping up every 5 seconds. If the Shadowlands quest is active, you cannot talk to the person necessary to complete the “Fate of the Horde Quest”. You have to keep abandoning it just so the NPC for “Fate of the Horde” is present. Then, once you do that, you can complete that questline and then do “A chilling summons”.

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I was stuck in a legion quest sequence even though i had no quests picked up. completed one quest outside of Org and i was able to see the gate.

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This really helped my out I appreciated it​:pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:

Not sure why you’d ask about going back to the Maw after completing the intro, before you level cap. Literally no other business in there before you hit level 60 and start rescuing the NPCs.

Found a posible fix: you just need to complete the pre-legion quest where you get accolate of the banshee queen.

Thank you so much fixed it right away

Figured it out!
What worked for me was to keep abandoning the Shadowlands quest. Then go get “Fate of the Horde” quest at the docks. I finished the intro questline (ending on In the blink of an eye). Then the portal was able to open for me.