Shadowlands 9.2.7 Update Notes—Now Live!

Who asked for these changes? They seem like changes that cater to the types of people I’d rather not see in the game, like RMT service providers, Gold farmers, and boosters. Instead, can we get some features that the real player-base has been asking for, like account-wide rep, cross-faction guilds, or earnable mounts that aren’t recolors?


From the banner photo I thought we were getting Mechagnome Cosmetics.

I don’t want to see the “insert anal link” channel, thanks. :wink:

why does the update say that it is 74 gigabytes?, what kind of update weighs almost 90% of the same game?

Your game data is borked in that situation.

But it is always the Gnomes fault.

Lemme know when you bring back the real Mobile AH where you can list items for sale so it can actually be useful. Oh, and Trade Chat Channel 2? Trash patch.

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Normal difficulty is actually super easy find a group on premade group and do it you should have no problem ^.^

When are we going to get a separate channel for all the racism, bigotry, and just run of the mill trade chat stupidity?

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Difficulty is not the problem


Now that with have a cross-server AH for commodities, might it some day become possible to directly mail commodities cross-server?

( every bit of consolidation of resources helps the bags/bank space )

a good part of my enjoyment is buying and selling in the AH. Now, a good portion of my inventory, that i purchased at decent resell prices, is practically worthless. Guess if you’re not a raider or a social joiner, you don’t matter much…but then it’s been like that for long and long.


Now its basically worse.

Thanks Blizz.

And just like that the trade chat is clean of spam. Good job.

Freaking hell yeah! Finally someone else that realizes life goes on! Blizzard still thinks we are all 16 years old, have off all summer, live in mom’s basement with no bills to pay. Well, 16 + 18 years of WoW = 34 years old. We have fulltime jobs, been in and out of college/military, got married/have kids… Noooo, lets make everything take 6 months to farm with multiple levels of currency for one thing and so on… OF COURSE we’ll have time to get our WoW chores done because everything else is secondary! BTW, I had to stiff-arm 3 starving kids just to get this post done!

Spam selling dungeons/raids, etc will always stay in Trade Chat. To think anything otherwise would be uncivilized.

Have you never played a MMORPG before? The fact that you just want grinding completely illuminated from your life sounds like you might want to try a different genre of games, or stop blaming Blizzard for your not being able to farm something for 6 months straight.

Guess what? I’ve also been playing for 18 years almost, and I don’t farm for ANYTHING that I don’t need or want to anymore, and I go on living my busy life…you know, full time job, multiple hobbies, etc. Gosh, it sure is great to not put this game first in my life anymore! You should try it!!!

So high pop realms, mats are cheaper.
Low pop realms, mats are more expensive.
This might help even it out, right?

no point in having the app if you cant post auctions. Back when you were able to post on the AH through the app was benificial to people who had things to do like go to work ext… because like me i would farm all day (when i was able to) and then log out at the area i was farming and then through out the day away from home and computer i was able to post my Auctions and come back at the end of the day and log-in with Mail from the Postmaster. It felt great to know i could post my Auctions from my phone and to log back in with a bunch of gold waiting for me… slight changes to make people happy ( Especially the one’s commuting to the eco factor). but that isn’t all Blizzard. being able to post from your phone gave you more incentive to log onto your alt character’s because you can switch character’s and post auctions of item’s and other things that you have forgotten that that character had. i hope someone see’s this and takes this change for the best! alot of people who play the game have played since early BC or Cata, and have spent thousands of dollars just to play the game. - A great implament would to either givve those accounts that have (X) - amount of Day’s played / Or in another case of like 5, 10,15 years subscribed ( would have mount rewards / cosmetic rewards). It would be great to show some love to the people that have been around forever and would make those player’s stand out alot more rather then just old achivments that you have to specifically have to inspect a characterto see. "It would be awesome to see someone in the world base on that just to know by looks that that person is a seasoned player that shouldn’t be messed with.

Thank you for reading this if you did!


no point in having the app if you cant post auctions. Back when you were able to post on the AH through the app was benificial to people who had things to do like go to work ext… because like me i would farm all day (when i was able to) and then log out at the area i was farming and then through out the day away from home and computer i was able to post my Auctions and come back at the end of the day and log-in with Mail from the Postmaster. It felt great to know i could post my Auctions from my phone and to log back in with a bunch of gold waiting for me… slight changes to make people happy ( Especially the one’s commuting to the eco factor). but that isn’t all Blizzard. being able to post from your phone gave you more incentive to log onto your alt character’s because you can switch character’s and post auctions of item’s and other things that you have forgotten that that character had. i hope someone see’s this and takes this change for the best! alot of people who play the game have played since early BC or Cata, and have spent thousands of dollars just to play the game. - A great implament would to either givve those accounts that have (X) - amount of Day’s played / Or in another case of like 5, 10,15 years subscribed ( would have mount rewards / cosmetic rewards). It would be great to show some love to the people that have been around forever and would make those player’s stand out alot more rather then just old achivments that you have to specifically have to inspect a characterto see. "It would be awesome to see someone in the world base on that just to know by looks that that person is a seasoned player that shouldn’t be messed with.

Thank you for reading this if you did!
