Shadowlands: 9.2.5 Content Update Is Now Live

Nothing about allied races? Color me crushing disappointed!

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Is this also going to add the Tauren rogue?? /beg

You forgot to add

-Bag of explored souls is now bind on account

good now lets get the dragonflight alpha on the pts asap.

Meh. Was expecting a new zone or something. These content luls really suck here.

It is not race exclusive = not heritage armor.

Damn, I better get to work on my Dark Iron Dwarf I guess.

I just glanced at the preview for the patch. Are we getting anymore story quests for SL. Or is SL’s story finished?

Patch 9.2.5 Shadowlands Content Overview - Guides - Wowhead

Seems to be whats coming.

Nope, They could have hot fixed the May 31st changes in months ago.

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Those won’t come till season 4. Season 4 won’t start till a few months from now, probably end of July early August.

Lol what? They said 9.2 was the end of SL as far as “content” goes…that means, no new zone cause jailer dead, etc. There was supposed to be another zone but they cut SL’s last patch because it bombed hard.

Please give a tentative release date as soon as possible, raid leaders and guild leaders normally use patch progression/ptr/etc as an indicator to when we need to extend. This will not be available, and as we cannot know how many more nerfs are coming to the content, we need to know how much time we need to spend extending.

who cares if they dont balance class/specs
the game will be the same mess it is now

This could have been implemented with weekly maintenance and not been an actual “patch”. Although I like most of what I see in it, it’s not substantial in the least.

Gotta be a pally.

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DH is a disgrace of a class.

My thoughts exactly. I mean it was totally their armor making them win random matches not the 3instant 30k hits. My gladiator lossa about bricks everyone 4pc activates- “ChaoBolt!ChBrNal!” Love outplaying someone for 3mins to get 1random go off a coil.

is not even a real patch and season 3 pvp will still be going on for a few months after 9.2.5 launchs…lol.

the wow dark days are here.

Increasing minimum ilvl to 252 in soloqueue changes absolutely nothing as the lowest HP will be focused enyway and most ppl who does soloqueue are 282-285 players.
This change was made by metrics, devs, PLAY ur own game!