Shadow vault changed. And lots of nerfs and flag buffed to give haste

damn, anyone else see shadow vault is now black powder? I wonder how the animation will work. Also, a ton of nerfs across the board though flag got buffed

The new animation is basically a small purple cloud erupting on all targets it hits


Rogue legendaries NERFED to the ground.



They absolutely obliterated the legendaries, I have lost any excitement to build any of them now. Add that to the recent huge nerfs to each of our covenant abilities and now every single choice we have does look pretty bad.

Could be just an emotional first reaction, but these notes have all but killed my willingness to play rogue in SL. My big time sink is raiding and lord knows we always want more ranged dps.


Will it be worth crafting a legendary?

Sounds like a dumb question but now…I am not so sure LMAO.

:ghost: :point_left:

Hell next question is are these leggo patterns 100% or rng?

Imagine if its rng on top of being neutered :sweat_smile:


We are currently in the process of tuning Legendary items, so in this latest Shadowlands Beta build, you may see many a number of Legendary effects have had their power reduced.

We’ve recently had internal discussions about our tuning targets for Legendaries and concluded that we were aiming too low with respect to their power. We’re working through another tuning pass on all of these items, and you should see further adjustments in an upcoming build.

Thank god


That is good news but we have to see what they mean by “buffs”.


Yes, I don’t care what they do with the new abilities–I don’t see how they can do anything but make them stupidly lackuster now–but I want my legendary to feel, you know, LEGENDARY.

On a side note, I sort of hope black powder gets renamed since it sounds, well, awfully Outlaw-y. It’s not worth more delay or anything but it’s something they should probably consider fixing later. Main thing is the ability is actually worth taking in some situations.

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Here’s a vid for those not in beta:


Here’s another one from a very far away camera (which is how I play lol)


Honestly I just cant see where the devs are coming from with the theme of this ability…

The spec is called Subtlety… yet they use a spell called Black Powder.

In WHAT WORLD is Black Powder Subtle???

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I like the black powder animation. Its heaps better that the previous vault.


Cant see black from the shadows

Ehh Welfare “LeGeNdArIeS” never really feel legendary.

Maybe it’s just a placeholder. The spell effect itself doesn’t look anything like irl black powder, but they may have used it for the name because it’s familiar and/or because calling in shadow powder would just add to the shadow+noun clutter.

I feel like Sub takes a lot of influence from the Diablo 3 Demon Hunter. While I hate the idea of guns on my rogue, I could go along with some tiny frag grenades. Considering it’s an AOE finisher, I think by that point the rogue has been made and surrounded and being quiet has gone out the window.

Not sure how to head cannon shadow damage on it. “Magically infused grenades?”

Personally I would have preferred some sort of chakram that bounces through targets rapidly ala chain lightning.

Not going to be concerned about lego nerfs considering they’re already promising to buff them back up a bit.

Unsure what to make of the venthyr ability / potency conduit.

Chakrams would be a good choice, or even caltrops.

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I’ll keep hammering over and over again, but our AoE really should’ve been Secret Technique.

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