Shadow Priests need a nerf

And here is where you win my argument for me. KTHXBI. I mean seriously. Your argument is that a whole bunch of people who play at the 1% level only have these numbers because they spend a lot of their GCD’s padding their DPS on meaningless targets.

Did you miss what I just said? Do I need to repeat?

How long do you think ‘That Guy’ remains in a 1% guild?

And too be clear, I’m not talking about breaking the raid for me. You could make the boss a 2 legged turtle with a thirst for Downers and it would still be a fight for my peeps these days. I’m talking about breaking the raid for ‘the show’. Method and… well… whoever thinks they can challenge the throne. ]


It’s heroic, the fight is easily do-able in a pug in about 3 pulls currently. There is no downside to padding on Heroic since the fight is easy, that will not be allowed when mythic uu’nat is downed though. Method may bring 3-4 Spriests into M Uu’nat at absolute most, it won’t break the meta or anything.

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Let’s be Honest, Method won’t change their team "except for Josh, cause still banned “ouch”. But others might. And will it will bring some front end tactics to the race, will it be a real… thing? I guess what I’m saying is, if you have the option to bring anything, the ability to bring all one thing ‘IF YOU CAN’ should not mean this much.


It’s never a healthy idea to bring a large amount of one class, unless they can completely cheese a fight. A great example of this would be Zul, where Sub Rogues did 3-4x more ST damage than any other class was capable of doing. Even if Method had the option to bring infinite Shadow Priests, they wouldn’t do it, more than 4 would probably be very unhealthy for the comp.

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Or Warlocks in the Sunwell. “Signed, still Butthurt Mage” heh

Oh and PS. You should change that to: “It’s never a healthy idea to bring a large amount of one class IF they can completely cheese a fight.” ‘From a developer perspective’


rofl this wouldnt fix anything.

Lets just nerf errbody.

Ideally players should be able to spam mind spike / frostbolt / wrath / fireball or whatever and have no more than 5% variation in the numbers provided by gear, spell names provide the class fantasy.

Same goes for healers, all we really need is [Heal] and [Heal Over Time]. Why is Blizzard always making things so complicated anyway… sheesh

Tanks have 2 buttons [Hit it with a stick] and [Attack me]

If any individual manages to break the specified 5% variation through solid play, situational boss mechanics or divine intervention they are auto kicked to the barrens and have a personal tweet via Ion containing only a gif of Dennis Nedry, you know the one.

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Shadow priests are incredible OP at the moment compared to every other class, it need to be tuned down at least 20%.


They need to nerf AS azerite trait and slightly buff single target and mindseer damage. That would likely fix a lot about managing the classes strengths and weaknesses. The real problem is the way the class interacts with AS, CoI, and apirations on high health targets. Some of those problems may go away with the new azerite system anyways.

I cannot stress how encounter design is playing into this though as well. BoD is a more accurate representation of how shadow is tuned, but even then, almost all of thise fights have high health adds too.

It would keep Shadow at a similar spot in m+ while bringing them down to around even with other top tier specs in raid.

Even on a pure ST fight like Mekka where other DoT classes like Lock can get value out of the robots, Spriest is still at the absolute top of mid tier. It’s also one of the most poorly suited fights for Spriest in awhile, but still Spriest is the top of mid tier.

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Multke, I’m just gonna level with you bud, what you’re saying, is just making yourself look stupid, you’re saying you want shadow priest nerfed, Right?, now I have had a problem with that, I don’t know if you’re just trolling and having a giggle about it, but… from what I can tell dude, is that number 1, get over yourself, get a life, stop worrying about one class dominating you or whatever your issue with shadow priests are, act like a man, not a manchild, number 2, grow… up… you’re making a big deal out of nothing, and it’s hard to even know why you cant figure out your argument is falling on deaf ears… right?, just let people be happy, let people enjoy what they want to enjoy, and just move on, stop making a fool of yourself, i don’t know if you will or not, but good lord man, there are plenty of other problems that need to be fixed, rather then your petty gripe on shadow priests dominating in dps charts, good lord… read a book, get off the game for a while, all i’m gonna tell ya, either that or maybe you just suck at the class you’re playing as, and i don’t mean to be “that guy” saying, “oh get better scrub” no, i just think you need to chill out, and play something else for a while, instead of whining on forums about one class spec you do not seem to be enjoying being around at all, stop making a big deal out of things, and just do something else with your life man…, for gods sake, it’s like looking at the temper tantrum of somebody with the mentality of a disobedient five year old, nobody needs your salty tears, just read a book, go outside and get some fresh air, and just do something with your life, Because ain’t nobody else gonna do it for ya

It’s getting nerfed now.

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A nerf!!! Yes! A spec shouldnt have a 100 spec score in a raid

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yeah they killed us in mythic plus, ty blizzard

They project two raids with alot of multidots fights THEN nerf the specs that is good at

Looks like I was right again haters

h ttps://

I fixed it for ya!

The nerf was obviously coming. It honestly looks pretty decent, about a 4.5% DPS on multi-dot fights I believe, and less than that for single target.

Shadow should still be great in both BFD and Crucible.