That’s honestly a shame. i didn’t pick a shadow back in TBC to be a direct damage spec, but that’s basically what it feels like now
The closest thing to a dot spec left in the game is assa rogue.
Usually the always doing something for shadow priests is having to move, cast, move, cast due to raid effects. Or maybe those are just annoying me more.
They could make shadow crash 1 talent that applies vt and sw:p and make the leftover talent damnation. That would get us through DF anyway
They need to go back to the legion model. The build and spend voidform was the better template and filled the class fantasy aspect as well.
They can keep their single target build but it’s not fun. I hate mind spike. I will gladly do 2-3% less dps just so i can cast flay.
I loved Mind Sear. It was unique and iconic to Shadow Priest. Psychic Link is so boring in comparison.
That said, I do very much enjoy being able to apply Vampiric Touch to multiple targets via Shadow Crash. Shadow Crash has its issues for sure, but I don’t think I could ever go back to the days where I’d have to manually Vampiric Touch every single enemy target before I can start doing damage.
Increase the radius of Shadow Crash by 50%.
Have Shadow Crash create a shadow on the ground the size of its area of effect when cast. Have the shadow shrink as the projectile approaches, drawing enemies within the area towards the point of impact.
Bring back Mind Sear as a choice node with Psychic Link.
Let us move while channeling Mind Flay and Mind Sear.
Let us cast instant-cast spells while channeling Mind Flay and Mind Sear.
Ok now you’re being completely ridiculous. A vacuum effect shadow crash. That’ll never happen. If it does enjoy the 3min cd it comes with.
Increased radius I agree with. Give us back sear and the ability to cast MB while channeling flay/sear.
That’s it.
Why would that be ridiculous? The difference between landing Shadow Crash and not can be absolutely disastrous to your output in an AoE setting.
I’m not saying it needs to act like Gorefiend’s Grasp or Vortex or anything, but drawing enemies towards the center at something like 50% speed for stationary enemies which would act more like a snare to enemies attempting to move out of the effect seems perfectly reasonable.
It would help to increase the success rate of landing Shadow Crash on multiple enemies on the move and would give Shadow Priest a bit more utility.
And considering the Voidweaver hero tree is now out which causes Void Torrent, a 30 second cd, to create an AoE effect that follows your target around for 10 seconds while snaring enemies by up to 80% depending on how close they are to the center of the effect, I don’t think I was too far off the mark.
Shadow Priest The War Within Talent Calculator - 11.0.0 Beta (
i don’t get why Shadowcrash needs travel time.
Why can’t it be just like WOTLK Shadow Fury for warlock?
AOE point and click.
Why does every mechanic in Shadow have to home some boring lame azz design?
Make it no travel – boom done. Won’t break the game.
In addition with…
With a dev response of…
Makes me think there is a lost bit of communication between what some people are thinking when it is asked that a pull in mechanic is added.
I think some people (Including the Dev) think we are asking for instant AOE group up when in reality we are asking for something more akin to a slow forced move to the center.
I have included a short video clip of the Voidzone area in the Legion Dungeon: The Seat of the Triumvirate where you can stand in the void area and it will slowly move you towards the center.
Voidzone pull in demonstration…
I think having that feature as a baseline feature of Entropic Rift isn’t that much to be asking for.
Then in other hero talent options and possibly PvP talents, you can add other effects to Entropic Rift.
Such as…
- Enemies get stunned when they reach the center of Entropic Rift for 1 second.
- Enemies are snared for 50% movement speed while caught in Entropic Rift.
- Enemies that escape Entropic Rift causes it to grow 1 yard each time.
The graphics difference between Entropic Rift and this Legion era ground Voidzone is absolutely pathetic.
How it is that Legion back in what 2014-2016 so nearly a decade ago has a much cooler and “voidy” looking effect and yet we see this barely anything visible in Entropic Rift.
Yea I know they will update the spells, but I mean they already have some cool looking Void Animations that never seem to find its way into Shadow Priest spec. So I am not holding my breath for something new and cool looking.