The spec is currently in one of the worst states I’ve ever seen it, right after being one of the best last season, so what happened?
Shadow was underdeveloped at the launch of Dragonflight, which has happened every expansion launch since BFA, but we got pretty heavy tuning later in the first patch. By 10.0.7 the spec was in a fantastic spot and despite there still being some obvious flaws I actually believe this is the best version that Shadow has ever had, it was so fun to play, felt rewarding playing well and you could see how they could make the spec even better. I specifically remember a moment in a +28 Nokhud on the first pull thinking to myself “This is the most fun I’ve ever had playing shadow”. Hardcast a few VT’s, hit a shadow crash, get into Voidform, mind sear every few casts and machine gun apparitions while dodging mechanics with void bolt and instant mind blasts/spikes, such good gameplay.
The main flaw with 10.0.7 version was button bloat. Having 2 filler spells that were confusing to know when to press was awkward. Spells like Mindgames and Divine Star/Halo were just extra buttons that didn’t really matter to the rotation. Shadow Crash’s cooldown was long and it was annoying having to estimate how long the current pull would take to have it up for the next, plus Shadow Crash was awkward to aim and frequently bugged out on terrain or just missed because of slow travel time. We also lacked movement utility which saw us unviable for Raszageth without external help in phase 1.
The announced 10.1 rework was surprising to a lot of us and felt completely unnecessary, but there was hope that the flaws of the spec would be addressed and we would be in a better state.
What should have been changed
- An alternative talent option(s) to shadow crash for aoe.
- Mobility added through a displacement of some kind.
- Fix the filler spells so you know when your supposed to use which.
- Remove some button bloat spells like Mind Games and Divine Star/Halo (or make DS/H less attractive for shadow).
- Better talent balancing to allow for even more build diversity.
If those issues were addressed the spec would have been nearly perfect.
What was actually changed with the 10.1 rework
First of all, yes we were powerful in 10.1, but there’s a difference between tuned well and designed well. I think the rework made our design way worse but because of the good tuning and insane utility overlap with the m+ pool we became part of the god comp and it was hard to complain, now that we are tuned bad it is highlighting all the bad design choices that were made with this rework.
Mind Sear was removed and more power was added to Psychic Link to replace it. IMO this was a terrible direction to go in because we already had the choice to play a Psychic Link build and removing that choice made the spec a lot less diverse. Shadow Crash used to start our insanity generating engine to allow Mind Sear to do our uncapped aoe, and with Mind Sear gone we now do basically nothing beyond 8 targets. Removing Mind Sear required a complete rethink of how we do aoe, Shadow Crash VT application should have been uncapped and Psychic Link should do less damage beyond X targets, instead we are locked into the 8 random targets that Shadow Crash hit for our entire aoe and if doing a large enough pull were screwed.
The Mind Spike Talent now replaces Mind Flay. Having multiple filler spells was mis-labeled as button bloat by people who didn’t fully understand the way the spec was played. Using Mind Flay when static and saving instant Mind Spike charges for movement was terrific to play with, and removing that combined with the shadowy insight nerf almost completely killed our ability to do damage while moving for more than 1-2 globals. With the change Mind Spike was just better than Mind Flay in most cases and essentially removed the specs most iconic spell.
What should be done now
Single target we are (tuned) somewhat fine, maybe needs a small buff but the major problem is our aoe.
The aoe tuning is non-existent, I started writing this post before the announced 15->25% Psychic Link buff and that is not even close to enough, I feel like even at 35-45% it might not be good enough with the current meta because its all about uncapped aoe.
Give Shadow Crash a 2nd charge, There are so many situations where it would help and is the bare minimum the spell needs to massively improve the gameplay.
With Voidform essentially dead because of our tier set it really highlights how terrible our dot extension in aoe is. 10.0 we could use mind sear with mental decay (dots were more of an insanity generator rather than our actual damage), 10.1 we relied on void bolt and on large packs get a second crash in so we could be competitive on very large pulls, but now we are limited to 8-10 targets and still requires some VT hardcasting. Bring back aoe dot extension, IMO if you’re playing optimally refreshing dots in aoe shouldn’t be a thing, the most commonly said solution is for Mental Decay to work with Shadowy Apparitions instead of our filler.
These 3 simple changes would be enough to tide over pve shadow until the next expansion.
- Tune Psychic Link correctly.
- Shadow Crash 2nd charge.
- Mental Decay works with Shadowy Apparitions instead of filler.
What needs to be done for The War Within
I made another post going into detail for rework suggestions, but to make it simple I would revert back to the 10.0.7 build and use that as the starting point. The spec was so much more fun to play with that concept than we have now. It is absolutely criminal that you made that version of shadow mid patch and reworked it before the next raid.
See this post for my full rework suggestions for shadow: Shadow Priest Needs Another Rework - #173 by Kaldemic-frostmourne