I actually like this method of dispel protection. It can both be effective and still remains thematic of being a Priest in regards to our absorb shield aspect.
I would also like to think you can easily build a PvP talent where the Priest is granted a damage absorb shield equal to 50% of the healing absorb debuff amount currently in play across every target.
So when facing a Shadow Priest and you dispel their Vampiric Touch, you now have to eat through a passive damage shield and the target(s) you dispelled VT from will be vulnerable for a bit.
Makes it very risky I think. I like it anyway lol.
Obviously change the numbers as needed but I think the point was made.
It sort of reminds me of the Mind Restrain talent in the initial DF Priest class talent tree where your Mind Blast caused the target to have to eat through the debuff of damage dealt to the target. But this way is passive and reversed and only effect PvP.
In regards to Void Origins, it would be nice to have sure. But frankly that needs to just be baseline because it’s absolutely absurd that all or nearly all class/specs don’t have to deal with a cast time on their cooldowns.
Dark Archangel in Cataclysm never had a cast time and Dark Ascension is just Dark Archangel only slightly different.
The only reason why these cooldowns have a cast time imo is because Void Eruption always had a cast time because it dealt damage going into Voidform and I recall a while back that the justification that the wow devs gave for cooldowns having a cast time or not was if they dealt damage or not.
So it would be ludicrous to have Dark Ascension without a cast time but keep Void Eruption with a cast time. So they just kept both as having a cast time to keep some semblance of balance.
This is another reason why Void Eruption and by extension Void Bolt should be separated from Voidform.
Void Eruption should be an AOE resource spender spell while Void Bolt should be either removed completely or share a talent location with Void Eruption to be more single target or cleave centric and put a stacking debuff on the target to deal more damage or something… frankly I think Void Bolts purpose can be pushed into other spells as I think Void Bolt just adds another button in an already tight DPS window.
So basically make it act like Devouring Plague where it deals up front damage and DOT damage afterwards.
I mean I guess it can work. But then it begs the question… why not just make it affect Devouring Plague?
I mean Mind Blast and its charges issues are already a pain point.
Why not just take some inspiration from WoD Auspicious Spirits talent where your spirits gave you shadow orbs which resulted in a flood of orbs that you can use to fire off Devouring Plagues across the field. This was very satisfying gameplay that really pushed you into a dot/rot spec as most of your time was spent just dotting things non stop.
So in this version, make it so while your Entropic Rift is out, your Devouring Plagues cost 50% less and multiple applications up to max 5 can be applied on the target resulting in all the dot damage from each to fuel synergies.
That idea might need a bit more cooking but it would make your Entropic Rift window very fast paced by pushing more uptime with Devouring Plague instead of slowing you down if you are lacking Mind Blast charges.
I touch on this a bit here…