Shadow Priest Feels Great

where did I say anything about your pov being invalid? all I said was there’s another side of this debate that’s under represented, happy people are not going out of their way to say their happy nearly as much as the other way around. that’s human nature. to imply I’m actually lying is a little over the top

I actually meant the statement is a ly whether it was intentional or you just under the delusion that a lot of people love the state of the spec is on you.

As you stated this is a conversation/debate if people actually enjoyed the spec and see that the forums are flooded with complaints about it why aren’t they here to express their opinion. there are only 3 of you and all 3 say the same thing “there are a lot of us” but where are they though?

so again as I said rather than come here and say the community is split which from the forum(which is the only hard evidence and data we have) you can tell it’s not true, most of the community hate voidform and the state of the spec, tell the people who do like it to show up and express THEIR opinion by THEMSELVES.


Council fights are not a reason to want voidform, they are a reason to bring shadow because shadow has been historically good at them. Shadow succeeds in council fights despite voidform’s ramp because shadow’s core tools are built to be effective in council situations, the ramp doesn’t help, it just makes it take excessive amounts of time to get to where we should already be.

What is voidform good at? Not what is shadow good at, what is voidform good at?

Yeah that’s how most of us felt when legion came out…


I cannot change the past, we can only change the future. so we should repeat the same mistake changing something that some people are not only happy with, but don’t have alternatives in the game that play anything like it?

There’s no guarantee you wouldn’t like whatever gets changed even more than the current design.


How about 12 years of playing the game and a million alts during that time? and the fact I no longer play alts because they all bore me. How about those unhappy with voidform yet they still play shadow? why do the other specs in the game not give them an immediate upgrade? plenty of evidence there for me that a rework would be a huge loss

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a huge loss for you MAYBE. You might love whatever got changed. You might hate it like people hate voidform now.

I personally think it should change just because its whole concept was based on artifact talents that got removed and left it in a poor state. It was only supported by bolt on azerite powers. It doesn’t function well. Ramp up to be average is pretty crummy.


Borrowed power issues are gamewide issue; not a shadow issue. Shadow isn’t the only spec neglected when it came to borrowed power being removed and replaced etc. The state of ALPHA with borrowed power removed isn’t the state in how it is NOW or throughout legion. Unfortunately blizzard keeps missing the memo the community doesn’t want spec function to come from borrowed power; but that’s where they are putting dev time rather than spec and class designs at their BASELINE. Fire mage is another one in the same condition. It’s also why nearly EVERYONE hated 8.0…borrowed power and our dependency on it is far bigger in scope than shadow- we just feel it the most.

fixing baseline vs borrowed power doesn’t mean reworking the spec

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Every spec that is broken without borrowed power needs to be redesigned.


no they need the effects borrowed power offered BASELINE. For shadow it’s pacing and reward to voidform.

I like Voidform.


that’s not a valid feedback just like me hating it is not a valid feedback. So please explain why you like it and why they shouldn’t rework it.


I’ve been playing my BM hunter lately and it is a huge and immediate upgrade. In practically every aspect of the game, except spread cleave and maybe pvp.

But I’ve got every transmog set, and achievement, and recipe, and title, and mount on my shadow priest. As a shadow priest. So I want a spec that functions well. Voidform functions well on long fights and is a chore with no reward everywhere else. The void lore in legion was for void elves, not shadow. The old god/void expansion didn’t even get us a glyph. So screw void form.


Since you asked so convincingly. I like Voidform because:

  • All of my button presses have an immediate and noticeable impact on my performance
  • It’s wicked fast
  • It gives me a way to push myself to my limits where I am sufficiently rewarded, or punished if I fail
  • Void Bolt enables Shadow’s stutter-stepping movement pattern, which leads to thinking about movement in completely different way
  • Its fantasy of going insane is captured completely

oh good god here we go…

not true. but also what do you exactly mean. I’m assuming you’re talking about your rotation. if not then this statement makes no sense. Of course casting a spell gonna create an immediate noticeable impact. All classes have that.

that is absolutely not true and outright a lie. Everyone who touched the spec whether they hated voidform or loved it admit that it is so slow and only gets faster once you have the gear by the end of the expansion.

Voidform on live only rewards you after you exist it and if you are “pushing yourself to your limits” I’m assuming you are holding voidform for about 50sec by then everything is dead. it’s only viable in raids.

now, this is the creme de la creme of utter bullsh’t I have read in a while. what do you mean it makes you think of movement in a different way. how where you thinking of movement before it? it limits your movement period. If you have to move and void bolt or Shadow word:void are off cd then you simply not only risk losing voidform (and most likely you will lose it) but also your dps gets hit severely.

yeah…you’re totally insane to play it.

P.S: I simply scratched the serves and gonna let someone more eloquent respond to this in detail (lowkey hoping Hpellipsis responds to this. they’ll break it down to you in a more eloquent detailed amazing way)

go read any of Hpellipsis responds they have broken down the problems of voidform millions of times in these responses. Hpellipsis if you reading this thank you for educating the children.


First of all, you can’t invalidate the way I feel about something. Secondly, I’m well aware of the pitfalls of Voidform. I didn’t state them because I didn’t find it relevant to the argument at hand.


No I think he is absolutely right on this, shadow is the most mobile it has been since the spec’s inception because of void bolt.

“Oh I hope I don’t have to move, that would suck”

Followed by. “Oh I’m moving, this sucks”.

Void bolt allows you to position proactively at zero cost.

Stop invoking my name like it holds some sort of authority, it makes you look worse and it inadvertently makes me look worse even when I’m not involved.


I’m just going to copy-paste what I said earlier:

Never have I seen a thread with people actively trying to discourage people from liking a spec. “You only like it because X, Y, Z. Wait until you see Foo, Bar, and Baz.”

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I read that as him talking about movement in general and in relationship to other classes. I wasn’t thinking about to compare WoD content with current content hence why i thought him talking about voidform making him think differently about movement was a reach.

Every other class caster employs stutter stepping and preemptive positioning to handle movement in encounters. And shadow is currently the best at it, it’s also arguably the one in most need of it (Which would make sense), but that’t not relevant to the point. What is relevant is that without the rotation fostered by voidform, we wouldn’t have access to it at all.