Shadow Priest Feels Great

That’s more normal, for me I’ve got the gear to get more stacks, which is actually pushing my chorus later. So 7-10 out, 55 in, another 5-7 to get back in.

Also worth noting if you don’t have the gear to close to these numbers of stacks, say 40, you’re just going to see significantly less damage. I can’t think of another spec where the better gear / better you play, the longer it takes to reach your power spike.


Hmm. I’m coming to the conclusion that I am enjoying voidform for the same reason others dislike it, maybe just out of personal preference. I’m totally on board for dots and heals being buffed though <3

Respectfully, when you say you’re enjoying Voidform, you main a mage who hasn’t done any raids or dungeons this expansion, so presumably your spriest alt hasn’t either. If that’s not correct, let us know.

If the above is correct, you aren’t really playing the same game the rest of us are, and your game may also have a spell called Voidform in it, but your experience is nothing like what raiding Spriests have been dealing with for the last 4 years.

Farm up the following to understand what we’re all talking about:

  • 75+ Neck Level
  • 12+ Cloak Rank
  • Lucid Dreams Major Essence
  • 3x Chorus of Insanity Azerite Trait
  • 2x Spiteful Apparitions Azerite Trait
  • 1x Whispers of the Damned Azerite Trait

There are many people enjoy VF too. They just don’t post as often on this forum because they have less to complain. I picked up my shadow spec in 8.3 and I enjoy it very much.

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I can’t argue with this! I get it.

I just think there must be a solution that’d make people pushing high-end content happy without changing the entire spec. Also, after some more observation, I think I can at least agree that dot damage could use some love.

Also true!

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Unequip your neck and azerite items, and go down to 15% haste and crit, and try it again.

Shadow has perfected the borrowed power bandaids. To list them up:

  • LI has a 100% uptime once it procs, and gives you a pretty consistent, very high % haste buff.
  • Chorus gives you a large junk of crit. In Combination with Auspicious Spirits and Whispers of the Damned, this adds a huge junk of Insanity generation.
  • The remaining combination of the haste traits/essences, lucid major/minor also gives a decent junk of haste/crit/VF uptime.

So try playing the borrowed-power less Shadow, and see how that goes.

And even then, people enjoying it right now is hardly an argument against all the mechanical problems of VF that have been discussed.


I think it’s difficult to find that when the core design of the spec is the antithesis of what the rest of the game was designed around having be valuable. And even if such a thing hypothetically exists, blizzard has had four years to find it.

I really do actually enjoy the consistency of shadows rotation from a feel perspective, I find it dull and uninvolved to do it for long periods of time but I enjoy how things ‘fit together’ as a baseline.

Shadow feels like when it works it doesn’t work because of voidform, it works in spite of it. It’s something that’s flaws we have to overcome just to be on par with anyone else, and most content isn’t long enough to do that so we end up never reaching that point. Meanwhile every other spec in the game just does better the shorter things are.

Or when it is long enough, it still just feels obscurely out of place to have your damage be so out out of time / out of your control and then have there be zero advantage or justification for that other than You are going insaaaaaaane flavour.


If they are nerfing dots why is assassin rogue so good and what are they planning with shadow and aff lock going forward?

Just curious if you know because I love dot classes. Currently loving unholy DK

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Assassination rogues dotting is almost all single target focused, and the power in their dots on other targets is mostly energy regen.

Affliction in SL might have multiple dots, but two of them are strictly single target. In BFA while they had multi dot, it wasn’t “That” powerful, nor was balance druids multi dotting capabilities.

Shadows actual dots are pretty weak too, if a bit stronger than balance druid, the main power of shadows dots comes from the AS ghosts buffed by SA traits and massively increased in frequency by high crit from chorus. This is most likely to be an unintended consequence of BFA that bliz have just had to live with having created for this expansion.

DK has dots but their aoe mostly comes from cleave from the wound system, and their single target focus is also strong with ridiculously powerful cooldowns like army of the dead. I wouldn’t worry about them, except there will probably be a cap on wound explosions exponential scaling, as there was with fire nova in wod.

Bliz don’t want a world where coven of shivarra mythic happens again, which was a fight where the damage difference between specs that multi dotted and those that didn’t almost left those that didn’t doing half DPS.


This works both ways and essentially you are talking past each other. Just because he likes VF that doesn’t impact shadow’s issues. Just because shadow has issues doesn’t mean people can’t enjoy VF. This has been stated 48583814 times and is trivially obvious.

Please stop bringing hard data to tell people they can’t enjoy something; and, stop countering hard data with your subjective enjoyment.

Saying you like a spec could mean a lot of different things.

At the moment, when someone says they like Shadow Priest… i only take it as…

“i like the flow of the spell rotation and simplicity”

Because i agree… i can run SP in my sleep and its very relaxing and feels good. They did a good job achieving that feeling imo.

Unfortunately, we just hit like a wet noodle… gradually… and can barely do anything early into a fight. It’s brutal.


I think saying this makes it sound like a tuning issue when it isn’t.

We have to hit like a wet noodle for an extended period of time to reach a point where our damage is comparable.


Never have I seen a thread with people actively trying to discourage people from liking a spec. “You only like it because X, Y, Z. Wait until you see Foo, Bar, and Baz.”

and that’s the problem.


I more want to try and pry out what people actually like, so it can be preserved whilst fixing all the problems. I just don’t see a way to mechanically keep things as they are and do that.

But maybe if people can be explicit in explaining what about current shadow they do like (rotational smoothness and consistency seems to be a big part of that), there might be a way in future for developers to transplant that into something new that actually works in all facets of the game.


When my a$$hole hat is on, I am firmly convinced that people who “enjoy” voidform are people with very low expectations of shadow. People like priest healers (with their earned high ilvl healing gear) who use it to quest, and occasionally dps on raid farm night. Also people who are just messing around on it, for something different than their main, with no worry about getting into and performing in mythic keys or raids

Every spec in the game is perfectly viable for that activity, even though shadow is worse than most with no pet tanks, stealth, mobility or aggro drops.

Those who are most frustrated with shadow do mythic raids and high keys, and see that they are working significantly harder to achieve mediocre results. Personally, I don’t play at that level, but I get satisfaction when I actively contribute to group success. That’s just not a feeling I get often on shadow.


only some people have issues; plenty of us love shadow and how it plays atm
community is divided; who knows what that split actually is. generally happy people are too busy playing than reading the forums to complain- outside of a few exceptions. which is why I try to pop in once in a while to remind people of that fact

and for the record a massive rework to shadow would ruin the game for me; of playing this game 12 years it’s 100x the most fun design I’ve ever played. to take it even further I’ve never been this addicted to something ever; to lose it without any alternative that even comes CLOSE would be devastating to me.


hmm myself and many mythic raiding shadow priests love the spec and how it plays. It has nothing to do with being hardcore or not. Also the original topic was more about gameplay anyway- which is why it doesn’t matter what level of the game you play at. The divide in opinions is throughout all levels of the game. The opinions are very split and very love/hate from both sides.

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Where is your evidence it doesn’t work?

Mythic+ chain pulling? (a good mythic+ team pulls around mage cds so that’s not a good argument)

Raiding priority dmg maybe? (why should every dps spec bring the same tools? we offer spread dot cleave and some execute- that’s a failure to reward our strengths not justification to homogenize us to meta dmg profiles) Frankly guilds actively tried poaching me for council fights many times.

open world mobs? (we really overpower mobs here so I don’t think this weakness is evidence of being broken; every spec should have some weakness)

solo play like visions? idk seemed ok to me?

No spec in this game can have ‘everything’ and every spec will be amazing at some stuff and weak at others- as it should be. I’m cool with our downsides personally, because I love the upsides and feel it’s worth. I think MOST of the problem with shadow HATE is the fact the game rewards too much bursty damage in most content. It also feelsbad when specs seem to have no weakness so it’s easy to feel shadow is to blame…when in fact it’s the other way around.

spec envy is healthy for the game, but people need to educate themselves what that is and why it’s a good thing rather than demanding shadow to ‘be like everyone else’


Lies and deceits. If that’s true tell them to roll up and show off and explain why they like Voidform. If me saying I hate how it feels is invalid feedback then you saying you like how it feels is just as invalid. PERIODT.