Shadow Priest Feels Great

first of all, you are absolutely entitled to feel any certain way you want. i didn’t mean to make so i’m invalidating your feelings. it just read to me as you stating facts and i just responded to them.

listen if you love voidform then more power to you however you can’t deny that it flawed and borderline broken. Yes there are people here asking for it to be removed (i highly doubt that will happen) but there are others who want it to be reworked into something more enjoyable/viable.


I don’t know the nitty gritty of optimizing my dps and honestly I don’t want to. I play the game to enjoy it not to analyze it and study it. (I do appreciate the people who do because they are out here trying to make the game better)

all i can say is that movement on my shammy,druid,mage,warlock,hunter, and monk feels so much more fluid and better because i don’t have to stress about dropping out of voidform because I didn’t smash my 2 spells on cd.


Dropping out of voidform feels bad, so does having to move during your cooldowns. Both are preventable by playing better.

Shadow is and has always been a sustained dps spec through some method. Shadow has also always been bolted to the floor outside of 1-2 vary sparing instant casts. This is the best it has ever felt as a shadow priest to handle movement during combat, by far.

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I’m sorry could you please explain this…

when else would I move? I usually move when my spells(mindblas and VB) are on cd. when am i supposed to move?

Cooldowns was refering to the other specs you mentioned’s major active cooldowns, not rotational buttons like SWV and Void Bolt for shadow.

Moving During Void Bolt is stutter stepping, and using those movements to position somewhere safe as consistent and often as possible is preemptive positioning.

It sucks to position / plan badly and drop out of voidform because you had to move a long distance without casting. Equally, it sucks to pop celestial alignment and due to poor planning not be able to stand still for the duration and cast as many spell as possible.

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i see. but with celestial alignment you have more control and choice when to use it. you don’t need to use it on cd as part of your core mechanic.

That’s precisely my point. We care more often, so we get much more opportunity to fix that by being able to position without losing damage.

The gradually increasing length of voidform over expansions is turning that into a problem, but in general the two instances of “Ah my damage is ruined because I didn’t plan for this properly” are comparable.

You know that’s going away right. Rank 2 void bolt, an improvement that’s worse, like the new StM, and SW:Death.

That’s why a lot of SPs are so out of sorts. It’s clear they don’t know how to fix voidform. It keeps scaling too high and they nerf it because of raids and the other 90% of the game is collateral damage.

Speaking of StM I see youre using it. Might I ask where?


So what you mean is because we get to stutter step in voidfrom we have more opportunity to position without losing our dps?

but here’s my thing though if I do have to move as a shammy or boomkin yes i might drop my optimal dps for a couple of secs but i can easily pick it back up where i dropped it and go back to my rotation with minimal consequences or repercussions. As a shadow priest i’m allows terrified of dropping voidfrom prematurely and if i do it will take me at least 30secs to pick up my dps.

unless you are extremely familiar with the encounter you will have to reposition and if i have to do that outside my stutter window i might lose voidform

that’s how i see it am i missing something?

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I’m just going to copy-paste what YOU said earlier:

Never have I seen someone so pressed and bothered by a topic that he stated that he has no interest in…

Quarantine got you real bored huh?


Yes, I am well aware. I was describing reasons I’ve liked Voidform in Legion and BfA. There are flaws to the changes of the spec in Shadowlands, but that’s a different discussion altogether.

I run it in heroic Ny’alotha for enjoyment.

I think it’s because people don’t want their game to be catered to casuals that don’t try to play the game at the highest level both PvE and PvP. It’s because without the perspective of being striving for the top, you just won’t understand. That’s the problem with these forums, and yes I mean problem, is that you have everyone talking about the same class with vastly different perspectives. I’m looking at you by the way. And listen, I like voidform and the way it is but for them to not have changed anything going forward to shadowlands shows outrageously flawed understanding of the class they’re supposed to be designing. I pvped up to 2500 mmr/2400 CR this season on shadow priest so I feel like I earned my credentials to say that this class needs work. BUT I guarantee that things will feel better with the legendaries they put in… it’s probably just going to be a copy and paste of the borrowed powers from this expansion though. That’s why people are up in arms about voidform, it’s about the neglect of a functional and fun core class. It’s clunky as hell.


I dunno if you feel the same way but the one legendary/set power I really hope shadow gets is the nighthold tier bonus. Aka the void bolt spam window at the beginning of void form. That actually made it fun for me back in legion.

I said I enjoy it in 8.3. Your reply is pointless. Read before typing pls.

Pacing (i.e Haste) is the VF reward.

This is a fundamental flaw in the spec. It essentially means that if, for whatever reason, you are unable to get the full reward, your spec will not play properly.

You also have to look at the pacing/reward right now. How does VFs stacking haste behave currently (not talking about Chorus)?

Due to LI, once LI is up, you are essentially looking at a pretty static haste buff.
Whenever a stack of LI drops (1% haste every 3 seconds), your VF will have replaced it (1.5% every 3 seconds). In essence, VFs gives you 0.5% every 3 seconds, or somewhere around 5% over a VF. That’s an astonishing reward…

VFs pacing and reward system is broken. Making Shadow’s borrowed powers (which are essentially large haste/crit buffs) baseline doesn’t fix that.


it is so true. I mainly play healers and range dps. After playing shadow I feel the other specs are very repetitive and I have no interest to play those specs.


You think pacing/LI is the reward because LI is NOT baseline. As a spec we should not rely on a talent to help our base pacing and I think that’s Nyelle’s point.

What is the reward then? What are you working towards that is supposed to make the first minute of combat worthwhile?

I don’t like LI or COI. If we have to keep voidform then we should at least work to mitigate the obscene backloading of power that both of those things currently cause.

Shadows never going to be intentionally overtuned to make up for its lack of on demand damage, the least and I mean least blizzard could do is make it so it doesn’t take 70 seconds from pull to start feeling powerful…


Basic pacing and reward can be different things. If LI is baseline there will be new options for us, maybe it could be an on-demand talent that doesn’t require the long ramp-up or it could shorten the ramp-up. The new reward could be anything, how about mass-hysteria baseline, just something to replace the loss of CoI.

Plus, my reply you quoted was in response to the discussion above, please don’t just pick out a sentence to question me. It’s very confusing, I’m not sure if we are on the same topic or you are starting a new one. I really don’t know how to properly respond.

For a class that only has THIS specialization to rely on as dps role for world content , mythic, raiding, it is too controversial of a spec to keep. I barely see any shadow priest when I’m doing raids (normal, heroic, my mythic raid team has no shadow priest) and can’t remember the last time a shadow priest was in my group( I casually do keys 14+) so I am going to bet that it is not SOME people that don’t like this iteration of shadow but MOST people.
There is no other choice for people that stick to priest because they love the class (meeeee) .