Shadow Priest every single game on high rating

So I’ve been trying to farm my Elite for the last few days. Actually got ultra unlucky and got to 2399, then bounched back to like 2300 etc, it’s been back and forth.

What I did notice is that I got a lobby that included a Shadow Priest 11 times in a row. In the morning I had one lobby with Feral / Assa / BM hunter, after that one EVERY SINGLE LOBBY until I went to bed had a Shadow Priest. No exceptions.

Now, I understand the class got buffed and all, but the big problem is, most lobbies become one-sided - Shadow Priest is a good DPS partner to any other DPS spec in the game.

So you can imagine the look on my face when theres also 1-2 Healer spec Priests in a lobby, you have to kill some guy like 5 times over because the game also includes 2 Void Shifts and multiple Life Grips.

The truth is, Blizzard have been constantly nerfing dmg across the board over and over, and now we are stuck in a dampening meta. Some games literally went to like 80%+ dampening…

It’s very frustrating for one spec to be so useful, so tanky and to also dish out a lot of damage. In my opinion, Disperse’s cooldown needs to go up by at least 20 seconds, and the anti-melee passive also needs to go completely.


Roll spriest?

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Spriests are powerful, no doubt. But their toolkit is also uniquely suited for shuffle too. They have an answer to pretty much any scenario, like a dangerous swiss army knife.

In shuffle this is extremely good because they can easily link into whatever their teammates are doing (or not doing). Their enemies have a much smaller window to coordinate correctly whereas the spriest team can adapt much easier. Their weaknesses are also much less impactful at higher ratings too, with good teammates helping them out.

So yeah, they probably shouldn’t be able to do so many things as well as they do now. They’ll be on top of shuffle for awhile now.

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Void shift and life grip should put a debuff similar to forbearance on the player.


Warriors are tanky and have all the tools too. Make sure they get nerfed as well.


Potentially a fair change.

Already nerfed last season, so no. Even if it wasn’t nerfed, still no.

Do you ever get the feeling people login on multiple characters and have a conversation with themselves in some of these threads just to keep attention on a subject?


Been sick of this expac having spriest so strong. Such a disgusting spec

I know what the problem is, nerf rets.


actually, this has been, in my experience, quite normal. Your MMR peaks and then you run into some bad lobbies. You just need a good upswing of lobbies and you’ll get it.

i need to learn about sp more. im seeing lots and lots of decent ones pop up who can actually do pressure.

a good sp is indeed very scary and nothing to mess with.

they seem to be super tanky in 1v1 . fighting a good sp 1v1 is always a sweatfest for me lol

Shadow needs nerfed, they do too much damage for all the tankiness and utility they bring. Also make them fun to play again , the only reason people are playing them in pvp is because they’re over tuned.


What are you smoking?

Yes, they need to be a class you can just sit on all match so they can’t do anything, its in the lore.

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Nice try trolly mctrollins!!! They need mobility and a viable option outside of VF. The spec isn’t fun to play outside of being over tuned. Hard casting every ability you have isn’t fun in this esport version of the game.

which would require another rebuild…

Absolutely !!! It’s super good idea!!! The current build makes the class OP in top tiered content , just look at awc, spriest and boomy the two most over represented specs. There is a reason they’re over represented. They are over tuned!

“we are in year 15 of the spriest rebuid Tom, and, things aren’t looking too good”.

If you gave us mobility, that would just make spriest and affi lock with out UA.

Its a good spec because they have several tools that are great in a team setting, espeically into damping.

Yeah I get some people like playing a warlock, and spriest feels like a lock with no mobility. It’s not fun to those of us who don’t want to play a less mobile lock. They’re over tuned you simply need look at awc teams and the representation. Why are hunters and rets almost no show in every awc ? Because they’re under tuned or other specs warriors locks rogues priests and mages almost always over tuned. Shadow is grossly over tuned with damage!!! And defensives. Give them mobility please !!! Give them tricks please!!! But a turret tank raid boss that melts people is over powered. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that.