Shadow Council Alliance Reconnections

I was Rown, 60 mage raided up to blackwing lair before the guild i was in broke up. I don’t remember any details from back then lol. I went horde - PVP after that character.

Night Elf Hunter
Order of the Nightsabre

I’ll be on Faerlina come release under the same name. Hoping to run into some of the old OotN crew. :smiley:


NE Druid
Order of the Nightsabre / The Black Laurels (i think)
Will be coming back as well if anyone remembers her.


Yup Jimmy and Nuxx I know are still around from time to time atleast last I checked. I lost contact with Rose, Kylari and Tridala not long after BC dropped. Adalichne and I had a RL falling out (seeing as we were RL buddies) and haven’t talked to him in a few years.

Gypsymoon here. NE Rogue I played in a few guilds during Vanilla but sadly don’t remember any of their names although I remember names of guilds that people are mentioning. I also played a NE priest Dustirose and a NE druid Ladyhawkk.

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Hey Kainsin this is Nightunder we used too chill in SW park all the time with my sister Jilly / Tiggles and Amanda. We where also in The Dark Mafia together and used to pvp with Tony all the time.

add my battletag Groot#11940 so we can catch back up.

feral druid (yeah, i know, totally not viable, but fun :slight_smile: )
Guild was Crimson Halo
I’ll be on Bloodsail buccaneers


Our old For Death and Glory crew (and our slightly newer friends we’ve picked up over the years) will be going Alliance on Bloodsail Buccaneers. I’ll be Paynifier the Protection Paladin there. :slight_smile:

We also will be making Horde characters and a little guild on Grobbulus, the RP-PVP server. I’ll make a tauren shaman named Laika.

Hope to see some familiar folks. Give me a yell on either of those characters when classic starts, or old retail Pay here if you know us and want to play with us again.


How’s life been, fellow old dudes and dudettes?

Joined on release, and stayed in few guilds. I definitely remember a lot of Luna/Dominion/AX peeps (Did that hippie Rolibar ever cut his hair?) :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Twilight Chapter (GL: Alsiuslamia, Vanilla)
  • Silent Blade
  • Children of Anarchy
  • Grim and Metal (Rob still makes a mean sandwich)

I’m deployed for Wildfire season until end of summer, but feel free to hit the digits! Probably rolling on Bloodsail Buccaneers.




Saralin - Human Rogue
Rumbletum - Gnome Rogue
Crispan - Human Priest

Those got the most play. Primarily ran as a founding member of Azeroth’s Royal Guard (ARG) along with Natkeya, Scion, Erendis, Athedorne, and plenty of others I don’t mean to offend by leaving unnamed. I’ve popped back into WoW for each expansion just to play through the content and have never found that same sense of community as the original guild. Hope to catch up if anyone is around!


We rocked a little in Silent Blade for a little together, and you helped me refresh with my Warrior a good bit.

Haven’t seen Rolibar since wotlk, hope he’s doing well. Have a great classic journey man.

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I played with Raverchick a little bit, and was stoked that other families gamed together! Mordavian Knights was a name that clicked instantly.

Hope you guys have been well :slight_smile:

Armoon! <3 i still have the bags you made for me on Shadow Council… Great to see you!

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I definitely recall both of those names. Would be happy to reconnect! I was playing Triea at the time and also had Wyspyr the Druid that i ran around all over the place with, hung out at the STV Arena a lot attempting to pvp :wink:

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Before Thiji came to be, I was formerly Simayi, Night Elf Priest. Once Cataclysm arrived, I rerolled into a Night Elf Mage.

hex <3 i sent you a friend request on real id mate its been so long!

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For real, dude. Nice to see familiar faces and having massive nostalgia bombs.

I’m getting a bit more excited about hating myself for grinding these levels again, lol.

Zein - Human Mage

I think the name of the guild I was with was Sanctus Eduro or something? Geez it has been a while

Where TF is Angamar or Val/Neer

Astralfire night elf priest here! Looking for anyone who remembers me but mainly
Zelisia ( Zell)

Hope to find some of you!

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