Hey! Damial here - Sadhus from MC to AQ40. If I recall correctly, you gave me the gold for my very first mount
I am looking for anyone who was in Confederation.
I have been trying to stalk you down for a while now.
I had a Hunter called Akaeyla. I also had Paghan (druid).
I am also looking for a few people I don’t actually remember the guild they were in (helpful I know!) Eth (pally) and Laerth not sure on the spelling. He was a druid.
With the right character this time…
Morihei here. Holy/Ret, played in Retribution, and Mages Power I think.
If anyone remembers me and wants to add me, my tag is Pyrostatic#1159.
Wow, it is great to see so many familiar names - Shyanne here, Night Elf hunter, Ghost Brigade, raided here and there with several guilds already mentioned in this thread but only sporadically during Vanilla. Feel free to add me, Shyanne#1850
Edran, night elf druid, The Highest Honor. Still play on Shadow Council. #MisterMatt1197
Yarr though sadly your name looks familiar but I can’t quite place it >.< to me but good to see another of the winds here. I can remember only some of the names mostly the higher ups (Jimmy Mani Twilightrose Kylari Tridala). Actually the more I think about it I am sure I remember the name but we didn’t chat much I think.
Milne, Night Elf Rogue. Was in Whispers of the Fallen when I was a real young kid, was in several other guilds after that, but don’t remember the names
At least your tail is fun to pull on. I don’t know why you keep making such a fuss about it.
So yeah, I mained Ganggrel, and was in Whispers of the Fallen.
so like 14 years later and nothing has changed
Your name looks familar to me!
Vansin was a night elf rogue if that helps!
See if anyone remembers my baby character I played back in the day during Naxx release…
Human Rouge named Geradow level 30ish? (I was a child then…), and still have the character on SC to this day though haven’t played him past 70. My mother is Raverchick, level 60 (now 110) human Warlock who is still in the guild Mordavian Knights.
Hit me up if you recall anything! Shana#11683
on another site I saw that Kahlah from WotF is coming back as well, but haven’t seen a ton of other names that I recognize
My brother was Corcoran the hunter, but I don’t think he’s got any intention to come back
I played a Paladin Ret/Prot Classic through Wrath on Shadow Council.
Character - Tyrreal
Faction - Alliance
Guilds - Hail Stone, Light Brigade (for a short time), and a couple others. I was young and immature and bounced around too much.
I’m mostly just looking for an old friend, Cheo.
I currently play on Shadowsong*/Borean Tundra on horde mostly
Toraidhe, Tyraidhe are the main characters I play on.
Wow, Rain-man in the flesh.
Kainsin here-- used to mess around in GS mostly dueling people.
Some things never change where stubborn paladins are concerned. :>
Salicia here, druid from shadow council, played in Confederation, Nemetona and Kenjee, Brinner, where are you guys?
Add my btag!