hey there,
I still play these two but mostly Adesan.
Conoresity human mage
Adesan human warlock
hey there,
I still play these two but mostly Adesan.
Conoresity human mage
Adesan human warlock
Character was named Wescat, my poor 12 year old self.
Was on The Council of Guilds
Yelrambob? Leighanna? You guys still exist?
Stumped-Human Priest
Tankaholic-Gnome Warrior
Ganndor-NE Hunter(first MC at level 56 and got 3 piece T1)
Guilds- Ordo Victrix, Retribution, Royal Blood Line, AoTW, Eventide, Crimson Halo
Ayyyyy guys!
• Zelieo & Jassamune, Night Elf Rogue & Druid
• Order of the Nightsaber (vanilla), Corsair (guild leader, BC)
• Hoping to link up with old Saber (Akkie, Aquanus, Navies, Fatherzadok, many more), Black Omen, Wings of Tomorrow, Corsair, etc people!
Hi Krenzar here, NE Rogue. I love seeing all these old names. You may remember me from the dueling scene outside Ironforge (I lived there), and the Marshal Group. You may also remember my wife Vasriia, NE Druid.
Blades of Vigilance
Bladed Rose
Archetype X
It’d be cool to reconnect with old long lost friends! We think of you all a lot.
Bunkles / Kretch, Gnome Rogue and Dwarf Hunter
Order of the Nightsabre Vanilla/BC+ I know Akkie left ages ago but there are a few die-hard still kicking around the guild.
Been a very very long time since I’ve seen the Obsidian Blades wondered who was still left when I came back.
JamesWolf Human Warrior
LucianCross Nelf Hunter
Morachi Nelf Rogue
WolfBayne Human Mage
Obsidian Blades, Order of the Nightsaber, Legion of Heroes, WolfPack elite
Who’s still left in Sabre’s ? I tried looking them up when I came back this year but haven’t had any luck.
Blic/Fen/Boxramas might be the only currently active I remember from my days playing with them. Akkie left to play Guild Wars if I recall, don’t think she ever came back.
Started in '05 with
Dyane, Human Mage
Guilds included EFC Guild Charter and Winds of Fate. Later went to Horde and was in Darkest Cthon.
Was also in Doomforge Militia with my Warrior Kbra.
Snowscarr 60 NE rogue also in Retribution
Hi, All.
Like all of you I also played on ShC and would be interested in reconnecting with some folks
I played Crystania (NE Priest) and Yanessa (Human Rogue). I was part of…
Ordo Victrix
Lunar Shades
And a few others but those are the ones I mainly remember. I also did MC raiding with Aktarin and that crew, but wasn’t in the Nightsabres.
Wow! So good to see a familiar name. Would love to reconnect if you’re up for it.
If anyone knows what happened to Greylore please let me know! I’d like to touch base!
I have since transfered my paladin and faction changed, but I remade him on Shadow Council and I am currently playing until Classic launches
I remember you, good dueler
Was just an annoying kid at the time, i took forever leveling my warrior Nickali.
Leveled in wolves kingdom and then the wolves. Was friends with a group of ashenvale templars.
Would love to catch up with anyone from the old guilds or meet some new people from ShC!
I played on Shadow Council from launch till BC on three characters:
Dusan, 60 mage
Aeyt, 60 warrior
Beylo, 60 rogue
I was primarily on my mage and warrior. I raided with with my now-wife Acylic and was in another guild before that. It wasn’t a raid guild, had friends and for the life of me can’t remember the name of it.
Hey all played this character on show council use to hang out in goldshire a lot. Just seeing if there are any familiar faces around.