Please look into this item issue, Blizz. Ought to be an easy fix. Thanks in advance.
The item I was most looking forward to in Mists Remix appears to have a bug. This item is the Shado-Pan Watcher Keg. The item’s Wowhead link is below:
It’s apart of the Monk class arsenal.
It’s the same-but-recolored item as the Possessed Watcher Keg: another Monk-only class item that had the exact same bug when released on the Trading Post months ago. That item’s Wowhead link is below, for reference.
The item is meant to rest on a monk’s shoulder when not shethed; just like how the Legion artifacts do. You guys fixed the bug on this item’s sister item fast. It was appreciated.
Bumping this, as it’s the main draw of this cosmetic pack. Still bugged as of 05/27.
We have a weekly reset today. REALLY hope today’s the day for this fix. SO many people want it and are talking about it.
This is still bugged as of the weekly reset on 05/28. Please put this on the to-do list for next week if possible.
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Please, Blizz. This ought to be an easy one. Same thing happened when the “Possessed Watcher Keg” monk staff released on the Trading Post–the staff was corrected to rest on a monk’s shoulder when drawn–and you guys corrected it nice and fast. Please hot fix this.
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Posting to help bring attention to this issue. I hope Blizzard will fix this soon, as this cosmetic was among those I was most looking forward to with Remix.
PLEASE fix this bug with the reset tonight, Blizz. It ought not be a tough one to sort out. Many people seeking a fix for this.
Bumping this one more time in advance of the maintenance tomorrow in hopes of a fix.
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Fingers crossed, Blizz. Please fix this.
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nope. no fix. 6/4 extended maintenance fixed nothing.
Nothing once again. Absolutely none of the maintenance time today had anything to do with the Remix, as beyond this we also have the Jade Forest questline completely borked less than 10% of the way in with a missing quest NPC.
Really disappointing.
This ought to be a swift fix, too. This item’s recolour had the same issue and they fixed it super quick.
Please Blizz, look into this.
Bumping once more to bring attention to the fact that this bug is ongoing.
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Another week without a big fix, Blizz.
Please address this.
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I attempt to mog it everyday, and one of these days, I suppose I will be pleasantly surprised. Maybe.
That’s my hope, too.
Sad thing is, Blizz has a post up on the Community Council forums asking for MoP Remix issues.
I’d LOVE to post this issue there, because that is where they most seem to pay attention, but can’t because only Council members can post there.
So frustrating…
Again, the fix for this issue ought not be too hard, in theory, because it is an issue they have already rectified on this item’s sister item—it’s recolour.
In any case, I’m going to keep submitting bug reports in game regarding the issue and posting across the forums, on Twitter, and Reddit until it is fixed; and I encourage all interested to do so (in a respectful manner), too.
Dying to have this fixed. It completes my TMog perfectly!
Blizzard fix this please!
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Indeed, thanks for the support.
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Bumping in advance of another weekly reset tomorrow, in hopes of a fix.
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Fingers are crossed, guys. Please, Blizz.