Sha of Anger drop rate?

I got these shoulders on my 6th try. My apologies you don’t have yours yet.

I have them. Original mog though!


And you didn’t care when I posted that… right? Get it? Neither does anyone else.

If you had made a thread saying you got them and I saw it, I’d probably post “grats”. I wouldn’t bring up how I got a mount as it’s kind of dumb and doesn’t really have anything to do with your thread.

But hey, you do you :slight_smile:


Terrible bait post now that this drop rate has been greatly increased.

Most people who has been actively farming this mount with alts should have it before 2023

That doesn’t mean the drop rate is higher, just means you got lucky.

God forbid I didn’t know it was a gimme and was happy to get a mount drop.


you’re just going to have to accept that you’re going to get butthurt players that have tried to farm this for years and you got it for no effort at all rather than be happy for you.

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God forbid I didn’t know it was a gimme and was happy to get a mount drop.

Someone who knows enough about the game to 1. know the drop rate was increased and 2. to rush on the forums to make a specific post about getting it, knows exactly what they’re trying to accomplish.

And you failed.

I know the rate was increased. I didn’t know how much. And it’s clear it’s not 100%.

I was just happy and wanted to share. I now know this was a mistake and a good majority of you are toxic children. I won’t be posting further.

To those that are this bitter. Grow the hell up…


I got this today - it took me roughly 10 tries but probably less. I just logged on an alt and parked them at the sha - did this for a bunch of alts.

was going through my list today and boom! Got it.

I’ve never farmed sha since it came out and i’m out in pandaland a lot inbetween pvp queues

-farming warbringers for crafting mats
-running siege/vaults for mounts and mog
-flying friends to rares to get toys they didn’t know about
-mining trillium in the mountains for living steel transmutes
-flying over to throne of thunder because mog never drops from there

Regardless of if op is a troll or not there’s still plenty of reasons to go to pandaland, shrine completely decimates oribos


So… to make some of these kids like Dragaunus happy, were going to need you to go into your Statistics page down to Sha of Anger kills, and post a picture. A real picture, with you holding a picture of a newspaper with todays date. For every toon you have.

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The reason you got a snarky response from me is this:

“Hope that’s not too big a pill to swallow.”

It makes your OP sound like you’re just being a jerk about it. If the post was just the first paragraph, it would read very differently.

Their attitude isn’t the greatest.

Pot calling the kettle black, you just came in this thread wanting to argue for no reason.

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Op didn’t have that initially. That was a response to the majority of people calling them a liar because it turned out they killed it at least once before.


Ignoring drop rate is probably the sanest thing a person can do in this game. So just farm when you can and don’t worry about it.


Probably the healthiest way to go about it. I remember degenerate farm alar until I got it 1300 runs later…


I reported the person claiming they were trolling. talk about abusive and just flat out de-railing the thread. Grats to the OP.