Sha of Anger drop rate?

If I had it on farm I’d have killed it multiple times, unlocking the transmog that is hundreds of times more likely to drop than the mount? Are you being willfully ignorant or…?


The transmog is random drop chance. You could farm it for a decade and still miss pieces. Now you’re just being silly.

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No, you are. Statistically for me to have it on farm for 50 toons for years and get the mount before getting… what? EVEN HALF the appearances is astronomical.

Did you see the picture? I’m not missing one or two pieces, I’m missing ELEVEN PIECES.

I get it, you’re backpedalling. It’d be more graceful to just admit you were wrong.


are you being intentionally dense?


This is the kind of silliness I’m referring to. The kind of thing someone who’s trolling says because they think it’s going to hook in more attention. You’re a good kid, and I’m sure someone out there cares about you. But I don’t- I’m glad the years of farming paid off for you, good night.

How can I not call you out when I already have already proven you wrong? There’s no way I would be missing ELEVEN pieces of transmog that dropped off him if I was farming him for years across toons.

Wish I could say the same. But all I see is a childish poor loser. I’m glad this has humbled you, even if you don’t care to admit it. Have a good day, done reading and replying to you.


The amount of cognitive dissonance is palpable. You got blasted after wanting to blast OP. That’s karma. Serves you right.
Sleep tight. It’s well passed your bedtime!


The transmog has like a 10 to 20 percent chance to drop each. There’s no way op is missing that many pieces if he has it on farm for years across that many toons.

He’d be super unlucky missing a few. Not 11…

Stop while you’re behind. It’s embarassing…

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I wouldn’t even mind if it were my theme song.


Ok congrats on the mount.

Couple things…
You said it was your “first try on this toon.” Ok? Then you blabber on that if you had this on farm why do not have the appearances.

Well that is quite obvious, while this might have been your first attempt on that character, you more than certainly could have used other toons that were not plate on that account, right?

“I was in the area” LOL doing what other than going there to kill Sha?

Nah that’s a bad take. They could have gotten a kill 3 years ago but never bothered again until hearing the news tho.
I also got mine this week after 15 or so kills, and it’s the first time I ever farmed him (all 15 in one day). I also got the Sha achievement before, it doesn’t mean squat. A guildie got it first kill first try after years not being in pandaria.
The mount is dropping like hot cakes now.

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Because he called it out. I acknowledged I may have forgotten it not being my first try on this toon, but he tried to use that to discredit me and then say:

I could prove that wrong via what I did.

It’s not common. Only reason I was there in that instance, was I had my dk in the timeless isle to buy rep tokens from mop timewalking recently. I read the news of buffed chances and figured I’d give it a shot. (Another time was before the buff where I took my hunter over to tame Elegon).

I would be surprised in the time since mop that I’ve killed sha more than 10 times.

I could have. You want me to go on the other three armor classes? They’re probably even fewer unlocked as I typically play death knight and paladin.


It’s bizarre how Blizz is on record saying the drop rate is “significantly increased” and you have people in this thread saying you couldn’t possibly get it without tons of farming.
I’m in the exact same boat OP. I dont even know what mogs drop, but feel free to check my toons as well.
If there’s an addon to compile Sha kills, you’ll probably see a max of 20 (majority of which are after the update).
I’m willing to bet the people in this thread just can’t fathom the fact that the once rare and precious mount isn’t really rare anymore.

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Guy literally only added that after being called a troll and a liar. You can see his post was edited and only addresses those who were bitter toward him.

You know nothing. All he wanted was a couple “gratz” posts and nothing would have come of this, but people like you have to be toxic and bring out the worst in new posters.

Op could have handled it better, but don’t act like you’re any better “clown”.

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Where is this hostility even from? The OPs post was respectful and to the point and simply asked fot a drop rate number. People got triggered he got the mount when he said he didn’t farm it and the only piece of evidence is this low IQ put statement:

Lmao he got an achievement three years ago for a world boss with a 20 minute max timer. Wow I’m shocked, shocked to hear it’s possible to do that. I got the eye achievement years ago, doesn’t mean i have the Phoenix.
When I was doing my 15 chars through Sha post nerf i saw several people get it. One Guildie who tried it got her first try (also after years of never trying). Lots of people reporting getting the mount now.
There is no evidence to suggest anything OP said is wrong, and every counterargument so far has been idiotic (loving the people saying he farmed 50 toons and just unluckily didn’t get any mogs with 10% chance but got a 0.01 mount).


Yeah, but see… this is where this is an obvious troll. You’re claiming something is proof when it can’t be verified. Mog sets don’t exist in a collections tab like mounts do. Unless you can show me a Sha mog set achievement I wasn’t aware of. You’re bad at this, stop it.

If I were to guess - I bet they raised it to 1% to be in line with the raid mounts.

I have been saying for ages that no mount should be sub 1%. Especially if it is on a weekly cd.

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Up them all to five percent and we can agree :upside_down_face:

The irony.

The mog set is it’s loot table. Pieces that would drop if he had it on farm. Just admit you lost. I’m beginning to just pity you.

The only argument you can make is that he was farming it on other armor classes. That’s the only way they wouldn’t have the pieces.