Sha of Anger drop rate?

Well said.


Yeah I kind of figured that after reading some of the replies but that’s what I was trying to point out to them. Seems like their original intent was just a genuine post but then got a bit defensive and it changed the tone of the post on first read.

I’ve been told it was a 5x increase for all five mounts, from 0.2% to 1%.

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I’m still seeing far too many drop for it to just be 1%. :sweat_smile: I haven’t seen it drop for myself yet, but I’ve seen it drop for others pretty regularly.

Yeah. I doubt it’s one percent either. Many on wowhead and discord said they were getting it after 20 to 30 tries. I’d wager it’s around 5%

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iv heard its like 0.5% now

Yeah, you’re probably right. They started off by taking it on the chin/laughing it off, but you can see how it wore on them.

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Cringe level 11/10

Looking in a mirror?


There actually is a way to prove it in the statistics page of the achievements I just realised!


That is the other nerf. Sha of Anger no more hops around randomly. Took the fun out of trying to find it to feel worthy to fight.

one drops every 20 minutes or so.

People would just say they did it on other accounts.

I got it on my second try. Same day as another MoP World Boss mount. It just feels like they upped the drop rate significantly.

I love when ppl own bitter trolls with receipts. Kinda my style :+1:t5:
Let me guess, they switched topics after the screenshots

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Some actually doubled down and still said they could literally have Sha on farm for years, finally get the mount yet have NONE of the 10% armor transmog drops.

I’m not a math wizard, but farming Sha for years = hundreds of kills (52 a year per toon and keep in mind alts) and MoP was released over a decade ago… the chances of not getting any for the transmog is quite literally astronomical (like we’re talking beyond winning the lottery depending on the attempts).



I also got a mount just by getting once. It’s a rare occurrence.


I got sha mount and the nalak mount dont seem i farmed it that long maybe like 1 month