SFK worth farming?

So, I have a tendency to level fast. I always find myself hitting 40 way before I ever have enough gold for anything by smashing my face on quests at hyper speed. So that being said, I need my mount but am not sure where to farm. I already have some income from fishing, cooking and skinning and leatherworking but it’s minuscule at this level, especially with the current state of the AH.

I was watching some guides and people were saying oh farm the jaguars or hyenas etc but apparently that is only efficient on private servers and people say it’s a trash way to grind in official classic. So I was wondering if dungeons were worth soloing, I’ve heard that SFK is a great solo farm for all the twink BOE’s when BGs come out. I was also farming Emerald whelplings for flame sacs, exp, and a chance at the boe and pet but that is a heavy traffic spot even on Arcanite Reaper which usually ends with me having to run for my life.

What do you guys think? Is SFK worth the farm? I mean, I imagine I could rack up some gold just from vendor trash yeah? It’s easy to solo as hunter too.

No, go keep questing, youll have more than enough gold vendoring junk from killing mobs during your quests. Level, vendor junk, profit.

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I mean you say that, but I have made like… maybe 15g in the past 4 levels?

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Personally, I’ve had a lot of success with Skinning in STV. I’ve made about 20g over the span of 3 levels so far. You can either vendor the leather/junk or if you have LW there are some good recipes that you can make money off of. Just don’t sell the leather on AH. A lot of it is going for below vendor price.

Ah, I noticed thick leather is pretty good for vendor money but I wasn’t sure if it was worth putting time into. Like, I need something consistent. Something I smash my face on for hours that will get me enough gold by 40 lol. I got 6 levels to spare at 34.

Since I already have my mount, farm shellfish in desolace. Get under water breathing potions. Even if there are a few people there the traps respawn often enough to make it worth it. There is a repeatable quest from a troll on the dock to turn in 5 shellfish for 55s. The traps are probably 60% chance to drop 1 or 2 shellfish. Plus there’s a good fishing pole that can drop. The crab dudes there drop decent silver and vendorable junk. I make just under 10g an hour doing this.


Dang! That actually sounds awesome! I will definitely go give that a look see. I changed to Arcanite Reaper too so early morning there’s no one in the popular spots.

Edit: Horde side quest only :frowning: It’s in Shadowprey village cry

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If you’re on Arcanite Reaper the problem with be having an active market to offload any BoE blues you find.

I also moved to AR a few days ago and have found a few spots worth grinding but I’m not sure what your professions are.

Shimmering Flats has been pretty empty. The silithids in the SW corner of the flats are an easy grind and drop lots of vendor trash that is good to sell. The turtles and basilisks also drop decent vendor greys and if you skin you can generate extra income.

If you are skinning and leatheworking I would suggest Feralas grinding as the bears/wolves/gorillas around lvl 42 can all be skinned for thick leather and you can then craft nightscape tunics to vendor for a ton of gold.

Desolace is your next bet, you can grind the Undead Ravagers in the SE for cloth and silver.

If you want to make a deal I just farmed about 5 stacks of shellfish while getting my Big Iron Fishing Pole, i’ll put on neutral AH for 30s/stack and you can flip for some quick cash :slight_smile:

I’m not too worried about that, I will be saving the twink items for when bgs*** come out. That’s when they will generate income.

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Yep. I play on a “high” pop server and there’s never more than a handful of people there. There’s a route if you swim further back with 4 traps. By the time you finish the 4th the first one respawns. They are on something like a one minute respawn timer.

five runs in sfk on my hunter, zero boe’s.

you decide.


What about passive gold? Random vendor stuff and greens.

Also, the BOE’s sell for more than Whelpling pets. That’s why I was wondering about the other gold gains in there besides blues. See if it’s worth more than farming emerald whelps.

a lot of the mobs dropped sub 1 silver and the greys were only a couple of silver. you would need to not be a hunter and have 14 slot bags to make it worth it

even the greens except for 2h weapons don’t vendor for much because we are talking sub level 20 gear.

if you can manage it, sm gy is a better farm. at 44 I can farm it no sweat mobs drop 2-4 silver each and greens of the right level to help my enchanter get through tier 2 enchanting.

Dang, I was thinking SFK because some items like Shadowfang can sell for up to 300g… But it’s also like an insanely low drop.

shadowfang going for 15g on my server

until bg’s are out, the demand for twink gear (and the gold to buy them) does not exist.

Yeah, just found Tigerstrike mantle for 2g. Gonna save it for later.

I’ve been farming SFK both solo and duo with a warrior. I’ve made 70g since Sunday and I’m only running it casually not grinding it constantly. I’m saving the BOE blues for when bgs come out. I sell specific greens on AH and DE the rest. I don’t really know how much gold I’m making per hour but it seems like a good gold farm to me so far. Three blue boe drops in say the equivalent of 12 runs.

Only 15g in 4 levels? That sounds extremely low…

I was grinding (not questing) in dustwallow last night for about 2 hours, made about 80% of a level experience, and made roughly 9g from just vendor greys (including skinning) and put maybe 2g worth of chinsy greens on AH that will probably sell… even if they dont, ill vendor for 1g.

Thats also not accounting for the large fangs and shadow silk that im banking; which could be sold for a decent profit.

So, 15g in 4 levels sounds like you are prioritizing quests too much, and need to grind a lot more.

Just my 2c.

Hey! I play on AR as well, I have done some of the emerald whelp farming there, I have found it really depends on what time of day you play on how much traffic is there, I have actually farmed it at certain times and had hours where I saw nobody and other times I saw 1 or 2 at most just going through to the NPC in the cave.

I actually have been debating doing some runs in sfk for money as well, grinding in stv has been tedius and risky. I also never got to run sfk when I was in my earlier levels and its one of my favorite dungeons.