I do and when they talk about politics i report them. XD
whenever i see “outdated” it makes me cringe so hard.
So tell me What the person said? I am going to bet it was extremely mild.
While I’d agree that sexual harassment is not acceptable people are not always going to agree what is harassment.
I’ve upset people just standing in a city and /moo(ing) because I happened to be faced in their general direction and they have taken it as some kind of come on. I play a cow. Cow’s moo. I didn’t even know that person existed until they told me how upset it made them.
I’ve also seen people take compliments as being hit on.
I long ago stopped talking in discord if there is a female (until I get to know she is not the type to take offense easily or try to cause drama) because it often leads to problems. Don’t get me wrong there are guys who also start drama but its usually of a different nature.
Lawl what the? OH i was on my hunters the other day in org, saw your name, thought it was cool, and told my discord friends. Love the name!
yes they do you’d be amazed at stuff people get suspended for. the whole problem with their whole system is how much you have ever gotten in trouble in the game no matter what its over. your never forgiven if you have been and get hammered for simple dumb stuff they do have leniency for people who never get in trouble. and once again why do people pay attention to this stuff if it bugs them. blizz tryed to make it easy for players to handle it themselves imagine grown adults not just ignoring or shutting off what they know will bug them i just don’t get it. if it bugged me i wouldn’t be paying attention to it in the first place grown wowplayers getting triggered and paying attention to stuff they don’t like or people crying how bad forums are yet keep coming here amazes me.
Yeah this is very different than what inspired this topic.
I’m not responding to the NE anymore this person is constantly arguing in bad faith. But it had to do with the direct mentioning sexual organs and “rape”.
Next time say Hi.
Its odd how many people I’ve met on the forums in the last couple of days.
Will do. I am boxing 5 hunters so I’m not hard to miss xD i was up top of org fixing bars etc. If you see artic hunter and her group of hunters that’s me xD
Ah yeah thats not acceptable at all.
Oof =( (i dont even quote the word you said cause it’s nasty and yeah… i get your point though)
Not bad faith.
Most people Exaggerate.
He danced at me, he blew a kiss at me etc. Harassment!!!
Didn’t they change the whistle?
If someone just danced at me or blew me a kiss I would have not made this topic. Trust me… lol.
Well, I suppose if you want to be wrong, do it with your whole chest and own it.
Lol i /blush and /kiss back xD
So when I called someone a name and got a warning 5 minutes later, you are telling me there are GM’s watching in real time that can respond within 5 minutes? sure.
Also need I point out that if you mass report 1 person, they’ll get kicked out of game and auto silenced.
They get squelched til a gm reviews it and if the gm agrees it’s a full blown silence. The squelch is automatic same with the warning. The silance though isnt and you should get an email with the chat log… least from my understanding.
Idk never been silenced before.
This is very false.
They swap accounts and continue it or have freinds continue it, etc. It does keep going. And then can also follow into other social media.
Absolutely no excuse for such behavior.
What’s “mild” to you isn’t to others. Your dismissal of their position is disrespectful.
That’s a warning. Not a sanction. Warnings and squelches are automated due to the number and types of reports. Anything after that for actual sanctions or silences or bans is absolutely handled by GMs.
Completely wrong and I am going out on a limb here but I am going to guess the person was reported and is still happily bouncing around being a jerk somewhere else in the game.
Edit: nevermind! I misread the “completely wrong” and thought you meant the OP. was wrong about something. I reread it and that’s my bad. Sorry.
All good I typed it rather quick after reading OPs. The truly sad part is there is some much crap like this in ALL CHANNELS, PVP, RAID, PARTY, TRADE and any other chat channel in the game. I am not going to disable chat because there are people I do want to talk to but that doesnt mean I should have to continually watch perverts and sexually deprived/repressed individuals go off all the time in chat. Whats worse is most people think it is funny and completely acceptable behavior.