I don’t know what measures Blizzard uses against people who sexually harass people in chat but it should be more severe because I see it way too often. I know, I know, “just report it” and I did… but really what is the punishment?
Edit to clarify: I do not support instant banning of people. People deserve a second chance. But there has to be a line drawn or this keeps happening.
I would assume the punishment is the same as for any other chat infraction – and thus variable depending on how severe the GM considers each instance to be. It might start with a silence or two, then go to suspensions, and potentially end in account closure if the person continues misbehaving and/or if the harassment includes threats of violence.
I do feel this is a form of chat infraction that should be considered to be on the ‘most severe’ end of the spectrum by default, but I don’t know if it is.
The only way anything happens at all is if people report, though, so keep it up!
I would actually very much agree with this. The level of sexual conversation happening in public chat is astonishing and imo unacceptable. I swear sometimes I think this game is played by sexual predators and perverts. I would sure as heck not let my kid play this with chat on.
If it is a general chat comment, multiple people have to report the same person before they are silenced. A GM will review the comments and determine if a suspension is appropriate
If it is actual harrasment you should report it and it wil be handled differently than a general chat report
To be honest I dont think the reporting system work or they even give a crap. The amount of stuff I see go one and it just get worse and worse with nothing ever done. Maybe its the same attitude toward dealing with these issues that lead them to the harassment issues they have been having in house.
when you play wow 24/7 sexual frustrations have to come out from time to time. honestly the majority of people just need to shut these chats off and live happier lives instead of staring at conversations that trigger them constantly. blizz gave you options for reason to shut off or ignore but it seems most wow players can’t use it for reason lol. this ain’t the old days were people use these chats for anything important.
and they do ban you for sexual things no matter if its just a lewd comment its happens to me for making some dumb lewd comment on and off at times and it can be some pretty lame stuff they do it for lol.
Well, the first issue is getting enough people to report stuff. Many people wont report chat which means nothing will happen…even if you report it. I could be wrong, but I think it takes 5 people reporting someone in a short period to apply a chat silence
Now that I have had a couple suspensions under my belt, I can assure you action is taken if it meets their criteria
First offense: Warning
Second offense: 24 ban
Third Offense: 3 day ban
Fourth offense: 7 day ban
Fifth offense: Month long ban
Sixth offense: permaban.
I think this is what it was. Although its too generous and should be third offense, youre permabanned.
I remember back in the early days when things were enforced. People have gotten too comfortable with being jerks to one another. At the end of the day, WoW is a game, people aren’t perfect and make mistakes.
Sexual harassment should be a higher escalation. First time warning. Second time permaban. Also same with threats, my guild leader got many death threats in trade and the guy just got silenced, no bans.
I don’t see how it is “Sexual harassment” since you can just block them… If a guy is harassing you IRL… you can’t block him.
Especially if this is in public chat where everyone is just trolling.
This reminds me of the metaverse “gang r@pe” article.
That’s why I generally have all chat off except for guild chat and only a couple of my characters are guided (for when the mood to be more social strikes me as I normally listen to podcasts while playing solo).
Once upon a time back when in the 04 to maybe 08 days chat was “ok” to deal with but like much of society today it’s degrading the over time so many slob parents raising slob kids who grow up to be slob adults.
No they really dont. Ive seen players get silenced for threatening to shoot one of my friends in trade. Silence isn’t a ban, the guy still got to play. The only thing they truly go after is hacking.
Uh no. It’s still sexual harassment, the action happened, just because you blocked them doesn’t rescind the action. There are all kinds of people behind each character in WoW. Some of them are minors.
Your exactly right. The toxicity levels just keep rising and rising in game and even on these boards sometimes. The automated system and slaps on the wrist does nothing to deter these behaviors and people shouldnt have to have 5 people report someone that is offending or hurting people before something is done about it. The auto systems are not working,
I served some bans back in the day. I can say i earned every one of them. Weather it was being insulting or making an off color joke i shouldn’t have. The month long ban i took back in wrath made me rethink things.