Sexiest Bows in game

Link me your favorite Transmogable Bows!! lemme see what options I have. Also if anyone has a good dark ranger black set lemme know

If you’re going for the Dark Ranger style, the Vengeful Gladiator Longbow is one of the classics.


yep thekk told you the bow you need

May have worked. Clean, simple bow.


Dark ranger look AND a bow to match.

Black Bow of the Betrayer… enough said!


I only use the artifact weapon because it is the only trasmog that has a quiver built in it. so any variation of the legion marksman wep with its dif skins is always fun to use.


Frenzystrike Longbow is the sexiest bow. Just sayin’ - it’s a Horde symbol that shoots arrows.

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I prefer the bows from Icecrown for my undead hunter.

Stoneshatter for taurens that is all

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Thor’idal, Stars Fury is the sexiest imo and I’m excited that we will be able to xmog legendaries soon !




Stoneshatter’s an awesome/funny crossbow, Bristleback Striker/ Themios the Darkbringer are 2 of the top 2 bows in the game because they show Archimonde/Deathwing on them and the max-rank Shrediron’s Shredder is awesome and helps with being blingy.

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One of my personal favorites would be the Accursed Bow of the Elite from Naxx (10). I’m also a fan of more simplistic bows such as the Advanced Flatbow.

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Been using Trophy Gatherer for a bit now, wouldn’t say it is my favorite but it fits with my current transmog lol.

I just got this the other day. I’m super stoked.

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I like Iron Feather longbow.

I’m honestly not super impressed with the visual appearance of that bow. however its cool still because of its legendary

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The problem I have with all the super sexy bows is that, Legion mage tower appearance aside, the best ones are all low-res.

Thor’idal- very sexy, but also twelve years old. My beloved Frenzystrike Longbow? it’s ten. And for those who have been around long enough to own the Rhok’delar? I love this bow for low-level transmog, but it’s showing its age.

Why can’t Blizz make sexy new bows? Or at least give the legendary items a much-needed graphic upgrade?