Sexiest Bows in game

This is what I use on my green fel inspired tmog set!

Can’t get that bow anymore :frowning:

This is hands down the sexiest hunter bow in the game.

Rhok’delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers - Item - World of Warcraft (

You can not however obtain it anymore.

Golden bow of Kael’thalas, definitely spelled that wrong lol but it dropped from sunwell in tbc. Honestly looks better than thordi imo.


Totally agree! This is the only bow I carry. The rest seem dull in comparison. I’m actually on this thread looking for suggestions.

The only bow worth having due to the built on quiver.


“Drakkari Hunting Bow” (or less noisy Coldspike Longbow)
It is a bit on the more savage hunter style, so potentially more Horde leaning. Not too flashy, if a bit spiky, and has that Warcraft flavor to it IMO.
A criminally underrated bow for this expansion is “Bow of Virulent Infection”. It is a Titan themes weapons, with little moving bits, and someone took the time to add Unique Arrows to it! The arrows even look enchanted with arcane magic (depending on the color). A must have for any Void/Blood/Nightborn’s collection IMO.

Ancient Bone Bow, of course!

I have a real Rhok’Delar not the Mage Tower knock off version and think it wins personally.

I have both and all I use is the mage tower version. I like the quiver and the darker color option to go with my Legion Timewalking Mage Tower set.

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I always liked Zod’s Repeating Longbow from Lady Deathwhisper in Icecrown Citadel. It was my main goal in that raid, and I was so proud of myself when I won it. I particularly like the hanging hook on a chain. Bow down!!

I use this bow with Eagletalon Battlegear (Red).


1979 Bo Derek.


Im a huge fan of the zod bow from icc 10 and 25 man also the wrathful gladiators bow is similiar all 3 very cool. My next fav bow is the golden bow of quel thalas i think its called.

Amen! My favorite bow transmog ever!

Lohn’goron, Bow of the Torn-heart - Item - TBC Classic (

Great questline to get it, great looking mog.

This 100% the only mog a hunter needs