Severed Strands, the next great gatekeeper?

Depending on content goals. Sure. But at the same time, its just not that important.

If you are trying to get into a CE guild, your gear is not important as a longer term factor. Because the upper end CE guilds are going to have standards outside of gear, and if you were to meet those standards they will absolutely spend 1 week in m+ getting you to an acceptable rate.

if you look at the more casual guilds. Say the AOTC focused ones. Sheesh, my guild, while wanting to progress into mythic for TWW will take people 30 ilvls below just to have regular bodies. Because gearing will come quick. And you dont want to lose someone over something so minor.

Guilds are looking more at long term factors. And while gear can be a factor in specific cases, its something easily fixed if everything else is fine.

You cant fix end game experience, poor logs, etc in one weekend.

Assuming there is a catch up mechanic. It will probably be ok. But it just seems like the reverse way to do it. I dunno. Its like I see the goal they want to accomplish. I just dont know if I agree with the route they picked.

Hello, everyone! Itā€™s Brewa, again. And I just came to post the Mother Of All I-Told-You-So posts here.

For anyone whoā€™d forgotten, check this out:
Continuing the discussion from The War Within Beta Development Notes:

So letā€™s see here:

  • Brewa was right that there will be catch-up.
  • Brewa was right that it wonā€™t kick in right away.
  • Brewa was right that thereā€™s a weekly cap.

Weā€™ll have to see about the full details, but Iā€™m going to stand by my other statements, too:

  • Brewa will be right that it comes from all difficulties.
  • Brewa will be right that thereā€™s no benefit to running more than one difficulty.
  • Brewa will be right that you wonā€™t need to do more than full clear to hit the weekly cap (and probably less than that).

Anyway, Iā€™m not trying to toot my own horn, here, I just keep hoping that some day, people will look back on all the times Iā€™ve explained to people ā€œNo, thatā€™s not what theyā€™re going to do, and hereā€™s whyā€¦ā€ that people will stop freaking out over nothing, and instead maybe think ā€œhmā€¦ Brewa seems to know things, and is always right; maybe I should listen, this time.ā€

Thank you for your attention.

offers cookie

Thank you.

I love cookies.

I made a weakaura that plays cookie monster sounds when itā€™s ready check time in raid, if I donā€™t have Transcendence placed yet.

everyone is just over reacting. if you were a returning player or late starter you would not get into a group regardless due to the fact that every group either requires aotc or X amount of ilvl. so this buff is no different.

you will run raid finder get your buff stacks and an item here and there, run some dungeons, get a weekly vault or 2, upgrade some items and craft and by the time you have a solid ilvl you will have max stack boss buffs from boss kills just from raid finder and or normal and a catch up and you are game.

the sky is not falling.