Severed stands is a perma stacking individual buff for the TWW raid that you get by killing bosses in the raid.
Does anyone else care to guess how late comers to the season are going to be treated when they are trying to get into raid for the first time and they don’t have the passive 20-45% damage buff the rest of us will?
Can we just not blizzard plz.
“You must have AOTC to join our pug, noob” version 2.0?
there will very likely be a catch-up mechanic that awards you more stacks per boss kill later in the seson.
but i agree that this is very bad design - they should just put a stacking buff on everyone who enters the raid and that increases per week rather than per boss that each individual has killed.
another mechanic to make dps meters meaningless.
yea. I dislike this approach towards a nerf-over-time to the raid.
it should be on the raid, like ICC was, not on the player, because as the OP claims - who is going to invite someone without the buff midway or later through the season?
Am I reading this wrong? Because it sounds like, “So instead of us doing our job and balancing the raid, we’re going to rely on a stacking buff and if you miss a week or two or three, you’re just out of luck!”
I think this is just as you say sendryn, I think it’s a bandaid because they know they aren’t going to have the time to balance the raid.
They need to stop booking the team solid for multiple expansions so they have time to fix things as they encounter things that need to be addressed promptly
I’ve said for a long time that Blizzard ignores its paying, loyal customers, who actually play the game, and instead engages in constant pandering to people who quit all the time.
This looks like it will actually - gasp! - reward people who play, rather than people who have quit and then want to come back months later and be on the same footing as loyal customers who have been playing.
Game needs more of this.
Remember when ICC just had a raid buff that was buffed every couple weeks, and you just talked to Varian or Saurfang to deactivate it?
Pepperidge Farm Remembers.
I doubt it will be done in this moronic a manner. Guessing its a place holder.
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Honey, paying, loyal customers who actually play the game can’t always raid every week. Business trips, research papers, kids, jobs, family emergencies, etc all come up.
If someone misses a week or two because of such things they are permanently behind.
If someone is out of the country for work, in the military, etc… they are left behind.
If someone gets sick or is in the hospital… they are left behind.
If a power outage occurs due to storms, hurricanes, tornados… they are left behind.
Life is a thing. Those people may play every week, every day, but have life come up and are unable to login for a week or more, not of their own choice.
This screws them.
I mean, no, aotc doesn’t actually boost your DPS/HPS or anything similar. This is much worse.
Honestly if you can get me, Myzrym and Sendryn to agree on anything you know there’s a serious problem.
C’mon Blizz, don’t do this
So this is per character too, right? Seems like it would also hurt alt-oholics like moi.
The wowhead article quotes Morgan Day as saying it would apply to your warband.
My main concerns are late comers, new comers and people who miss a week or two to IRL and just decide the season is a wash and bail until the next one.
Well that’s at least something then, I suppose.
Valid. I would prefer the ICC option as mentioned above.
It’s really unreasonable to let it go up to 45% lol. I could see it reaching 5 or 10% maybe…but 45% is just completely out of this world and makes a returning player or late starter a big phat no.
and I could see it capping at different levels for different difficulties, like that 45%? maybe for mythic only, for heroic I’d say 25%, normal cap at 10-15%.
I think though the issue is they might be going to apply it to all difficulties, so even if one misses a week or 2 of normal+, they still have LFR to get their increase.
But the people they are running with will also be running this for increases alongside their own raids. So it’s not actually going to catch them up until others are capped and they can get more % from LFR.
If it’s tied to all difficulties then there is no way people are just going to leave % on the table if they can run LFR for more.
if I have to run LFR for more threads
I really hope that’s not how it works.