Severed Strands, the next great gatekeeper?

If the cap starts low, and increases per week, then that is a built in catch up as one can do LFR to catch up to the current cap but no one can go beyond it.

They can also make it so if you get the item in any difficulty during the week, you can’t get it from any other that same week.

The other problem with that is that LFR isn’t fully released for a month after the raid is out.


This seems…odd.

Odd in the sense of…I feel like I gotta be missing something as to why this is method deemed best to use.

Look, I am not saying it is a perfect system, just pointing out that Blizzard can do any number of things to potentially counter the “need high threads” postings.

One of which is the buff is not even available till LFR is fully open.

This seems like it would hurt raiding overall when it comes to recruiting new raiders. Unless there will be ways outside of raiding that players can get the strands.


Seems like more chores for late alts, or just a hindrance for new/returning players.

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It’s to simulate getting stronger as we progress through the Raid via gear which doesn’t happen anymore because of M+.

Well that is really dumb if that makes it to live. The current players are already getting soft nerfs due to gear, if you double dip and don’t give it to new players that have neither gear no kills?

I have no words.


This would have been much better as an incrementally stacking debuff on enemies with a toggle.


It will cap and have catch-up, same as everything else.

(Also, I’ve been running a raiding guild for over 10 years now, almost 20 years if we include other games. I know how peoples’ schedules work. Don’t even TRY to lecture me about this.)

That hasn’t been the case in years; ever since Nighthold, Blizzard tunes the raids assuming everyone is already maxxed out on gear the moment they walk in - at least for Mythic. It’s been a long-running problem ever since M+ was introduced, and it’s why Blizzard’s devs are going back to this old approach.

How so? When looking at people to join your team, you don’t care about their gear, you don’t care about their short-term performance. You care about whether they can play well, have a good attitude that works for your guild, and if they mesh well with the team.

You got a source for the catch-up claim? Or are you just defending what you’re imagining the final implementation of this feature will be while we are expressing concern about what we know this feature to be at the moment?

Maybe you should take this opportunity to express your desire for a catch-up mechanic instead of assuming they are going to implement this the way you think it should be.


This is WoW.

chat is this real, damn

That’s a good one man. You here all week?


You’re the jester but he’s the joker.


brewa’s not wrong with that one

gear is temporary and you aren’t judging someone based on the gear they happen to have at the moment. personality, fit, class, recent or recentish logs, etc. are all more important than the gear they are wearing at the time.

I still disagree with them on this raid buff though. I think an ICC style buff would be better.


From the perspective of someone with a regular group? sure

From the perspective of someone who pugs he’s dead wrong.

This buff is going to affect anyone who raids, in whatever format they choose to do so.

I think it’s fair to at least consider its impacts on everyone it’s going to impact.


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well sure. a pug is looking for people in the moment, for the short term. in that case it’s all about gear and logs, personality doesn’t matter, etc.

a raid is looking for people for the long term, in which case the person’s character matters far more than the gear they’re wearing.


Are we sure these fineries don’t just drop from LFR?