Severed Strands, the next great gatekeeper?

His entire statement was based on the perspective of someone with a regular group. It was his entire point.

Weird to say he is wrong but agree with him at the same time.

A quest that results in what? A flat 2-5% bonus?

Totally the same thing. :joy: :joy:

This may well be how your run your guild, but if you think this is how a majority of guilds will decide new members, I think that’s naïve. There will be add-ons or sites that will dig out your buff-level and there absolutely will be guilds that reject candidates that are more than X% below cap , where X% is very likely less than 10% and probably less than 5% (“you’re not joining my guild to get free catch-up”).

I suppose if the catchup for all difficulties could be granted by the lowest difficulty (like Bullion catchup from LFR before you have your regular raid), then there’s an out, but if it doesn’t work like that, then people that are away for valid reasons are screwed (not by your guild, but probably a majority of guilds).

If you think otherwise, you have too much faith in “average raid leaders” exhibiting common sense. “People are stupid” seems to be a correct statement more often than not (Dunning-Kruger effect).

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Does it though? If you can farm the threads in LFR and Normal, depending on how many bosses per raid (say ten bosses) that’s well enough bosses to hit fifteen stacks in one week.

Of course, that’s if the thread stacks transition between difficulty levels.

It sounds like another eye-rolling metric that’s going to absurdly optimized by progression guilds.

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Like I said, it’s how successful guilds do it; if there are a bunch of crap guilds out there doing the lower difficulties, I wouldn’t know.

Whatever for? You’re going to trial them on the farm bosses anyway, you don’t NEED the %% buff for the farm bosses, and they can catch up on their %% from the farm bosses.

You don’t bring trials to the hard bosses. Not at first.

Which is how it will work.

It will.

Average successful Mythic raid leaders, yes. I dunno what people are doing in Normal and Heroic.

Based on how Blizzard has been designing the game for years now, I think it far more likely it will be like the Amirdrassil helm enchant and be something nobody even thinks twice about.

We have no proof of this yet. No word on how it works and nothing in beta that makes this assertion.

But either way, people are still going to be behind until they can catch up and by that point, they may be so frustrated that they just quit.

Your Mythic Raid Brain (not meant as an insult, just a way to explain your perspective) isn’t seeing the full picture here. Even you said so yourself:

Hopefully we’ll get some actual clarification on this and how it will work. But for right now, it’s fine for people to voice their opinions and concerns, as it can be taken into account by Blizz before release.


I’m trying to be diplomatic here, I get his point it’s just a narrow perspective. He’s stuck in a bubble and thinks everyone should play a certain way.

You’re right, trying to be diplomatic in the forums is weird, but I’m trying to build some consensus on this because I think it’s a pretty dumb game mechanic as it stands.

But yea it’s pretty obvious from this point that that one is a lost cause.


I wouldn’t say it’s a lost cause.

I think it’s completely accurate to say that a guild looking for another raid member will not look at gear specifically because that is the easiest thing to fix.

If you have the skill, which is independent of gear. And the commitment to show up…those two things will be valued by a long term raid team roster seeking to expand.

Adding in the stipulation of “from someone looking to pig he is dead wrong” is a little bit silly because he goes out of his way to state that is not what he is talking about.

It’s like saying “you think water is important to survive in the desert? Well from the perspective of someone drowning in the ocean you are wrong.”

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A lot of you missed the ion interview about this.

The point of this was to provide progression after you are full geared. Since lately, we are reaching max gear long before progression is over.

There was 3 options.

  1. Slow down gearing
  2. Nerf raid over time
  3. Buff player over time

Option 3 seems best to me.

Concerns about missing weeks? It will likely have a catchup just like bullions, sparks, crests, and catalyst.


No, they should slow down gearing to the point that gear is allowed to be the soft-nerf again.

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Yes, but he was replying to this

Which is speaking of raiding in general and that includes pugs. Hence I was redirecting the conversation back to the broader subject.
To try to steer the conversation back to my post instead of getting sidetracked with an annoying pedantic argu… ohhh you got me.


But that still does not make the statement wrong.

You can redirect back to wanting to talk about pugs also, that is fine. But in the same way you feel it’s wrong to talk about guilds and static raid groups when talking about “raiding overall”, it would be equally wrong to say pugging is the only version of raiding to talk about.

No one is trying to say a one time pug does not place a very high priority in gear. That’s fair.

But regular raid groups/guilds typically don’t. Which should also be a fair statement to make.

My guess? Catch-up mechanic: all difficulties - including Looking For Raid - will contribute to the buff, and if you’re behind the current week’s maximum then every boss kill from any difficulty will ad to your personal buff until you reach the current cap.


/taps screen

Is the sort of mechanic that is designed to make me want to raid each week but instead makes me want to take yet another expansion off from raiding entirely so I can still take breaks from the game.

How weird to go away from the constant over time power boosting of Legion through Shadowlands and then do this.

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I don’t think anyone believes it’s the only thing they look at but it’s certainly a factor. It can be an indicator of experience in current content (though with carries that is sometimes unreliable) and the better the gear, the less time spent catching them up if you decide to stick with them.

To say it just isn’t considered at all is likely not true.

But anyhow. This definitely needs to be finessed properly to make for a good change in my opinion. Looking at it now it doesn’t look promising to me.

Depending on content goals. Sure. But at the same time, its just not that important.

If you are trying to get into a CE guild, your gear is not important as a longer term factor. Because the upper end CE guilds are going to have standards outside of gear, and if you were to meet those standards they will absolutely spend 1 week in m+ getting you to an acceptable rate.

if you look at the more casual guilds. Say the AOTC focused ones. Sheesh, my guild, while wanting to progress into mythic for TWW will take people 30 ilvls below just to have regular bodies. Because gearing will come quick. And you dont want to lose someone over something so minor.

Guilds are looking more at long term factors. And while gear can be a factor in specific cases, its something easily fixed if everything else is fine.

You cant fix end game experience, poor logs, etc in one weekend.

Assuming there is a catch up mechanic. It will probably be ok. But it just seems like the reverse way to do it. I dunno. Its like I see the goal they want to accomplish. I just dont know if I agree with the route they picked.

Hello, everyone! It’s Brewa, again. And I just came to post the Mother Of All I-Told-You-So posts here.

For anyone who’d forgotten, check this out:
Continuing the discussion from The War Within Beta Development Notes:

So let’s see here:

  • Brewa was right that there will be catch-up.
  • Brewa was right that it won’t kick in right away.
  • Brewa was right that there’s a weekly cap.

We’ll have to see about the full details, but I’m going to stand by my other statements, too:

  • Brewa will be right that it comes from all difficulties.
  • Brewa will be right that there’s no benefit to running more than one difficulty.
  • Brewa will be right that you won’t need to do more than full clear to hit the weekly cap (and probably less than that).

Anyway, I’m not trying to toot my own horn, here, I just keep hoping that some day, people will look back on all the times I’ve explained to people “No, that’s not what they’re going to do, and here’s why…” that people will stop freaking out over nothing, and instead maybe think “hm… Brewa seems to know things, and is always right; maybe I should listen, this time.”

Thank you for your attention.

offers cookie

Thank you.

I love cookies.

I made a weakaura that plays cookie monster sounds when it’s ready check time in raid, if I don’t have Transcendence placed yet.

everyone is just over reacting. if you were a returning player or late starter you would not get into a group regardless due to the fact that every group either requires aotc or X amount of ilvl. so this buff is no different.

you will run raid finder get your buff stacks and an item here and there, run some dungeons, get a weekly vault or 2, upgrade some items and craft and by the time you have a solid ilvl you will have max stack boss buffs from boss kills just from raid finder and or normal and a catch up and you are game.

the sky is not falling.