Several Class Adjustments Coming July 16

You can check your own faction, but your cannot check the opposite faction. The only options I am getting are report and cancel.

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Healers are already ridiculous, you don’t need to be even more ridiculous.

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Death to all healers thinking they’re gods are multitasking and surviving loads of damage because they can tank 1-2 dps heavy pressure or even 3. To be honest I wouldn’t mind healers the way they are if class balance was done properly.

Warrior love we lost our identity in Cataclysm and in MoP…especially MoP expecting us to use gag order in pve. The nerve of these developers.

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“several class adjustments” hehexd

Ret has pretty decent mobility in comparison to warlocks and dks. I actually don’t see much difference in ret and rogues.


Rogues and DKs and Locks are all viable in rated and arena. Matter fact DKs, Rogues and Monks are Meta.
Locks are A tier on any config.

Ret’s aren’t. 3v3 B tier at the absolute best if comped with good CC/healer. And it isn’t due to damage.

Mobility and lack of tangible CC. That tells you they aren’t the same.
Edit: is not impossible, not what i am saying. Just well below the curve in that area.

I’m a gladiator ranked player.

You? I’m guessing not even rated at all. Probably just an LFR hero.

Long Arm of the Law was a good and fair talent imo. It was the one that increased the Paladins movement by 50% for 3 seconds after landing a Judgement.

It also had good flavor for the class. A lot more than that silly horse imo. The horse is so incredibly silly looking.


Bwahahahaha, gratz on wasting more time than me and ending up whining about healers in the end.


I agree completely and it would address so many issues. But I’ve been under the impression that Long Arm is considered too good by developers currently. Have no idea if its true but clearly not the direction they are going.

A few hundred matches a season is not as much time as you think. I never whined about healers, heck I don’t even play right now. I was just pointing out that the guy before me told you exactly why it was a good change, which the majority of high ranked players agree with and even requested after the tournaments. The fact you’re crying about a healer nerf shows you’re ignorant to this game. Imagine spending all your time playing a game and still being trash at it. LMAO.

Contradiction and low bailing. :rofl:

Mass assumption

I made you mad didn’t I :rofl::rofl:

It’s not a contradiction. I got my gladiator back in January. Stopped queuing right after the season ended and haven’t played since. I subbed for classic beta and soon to be classic.

It’s also not a mass assumption. I follow many of the notable players on Twitter and most of them complained about the long dampening games as well as Rdruids. Both were nerfed, many of them celebrated yesterday. Anybody who gets angry over a forum post is a waste of energy. I’m simply responding, that’s it. It’s also why I rarely frequent the GD and BG forums. It’s infested with morons with no skill level at all which is why they cry over every nerf even if it’s a good change. :joy:


So… no tuning pass for Mythic raid week?

I guess having Warlocks dominate for another 6+ months is precisely what Ion wants.

I think it’s fairly frustrating, honestly.

In group PvP, healers should be protected by other players. It shouldn’t need to be able to 1v3 while still applying a bit of healing. It should need to divert full focus to itself if it’s under fire, but a Resto druid can effectively 1v2 while still keeping it’s group topped up.

PvP is about strategy and choices, and one of those about protecting your healer. It should always be a dangerous moment when someone manages to get to, and focus, your healer. Healers should be squishy. They should also be able to handle a single DPS, but probably not forever.

So… should a DPS be able to kill a healer 1v1? If similarly geared, I’d say yes. A healer shouldn’t be meant to keep someone alive passively. They shouldn’t be able to, without interference, keep a group of people alive without fear. They should be a powerful tool to overwhelming more enemies than you can normally handle because they can extend your life by a strong amount.

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With all due respect, this is entirely the opposite of tournament arena strat and what the “norm” has been in PvP.

Healers are not glass cannons. They shouldn’t be “squishy” because the actual point of a healer is not only to heal but to serve as decoy/bait. This allows dps to peel the other team and pressure an advantage.

Within the roots of this game a healer absolutely should never be killed by one dps. Not even one that can stun-lock you. it’s just not how the game is built.

Furthermore, healers utility is really what makes and should continue to make them dangerous. That is what teams need to watch out for. A priest isn’t a danger for the heals or the shield. Its the mass dispel, and fear and MC.

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several pieces of targeted class tuning

Why must you lie?

  1. A small numbers change to Arcane that doesn’t address any of its issues people have been complaining about since beta.
  2. A small PvP nerf to Resto Druids.

That is not “several,” and blanket flat numbers changes doesn’t seem very “targeted” either. :roll_eyes:


So long as that remains true, and Warmode remains a front runner feature and World PvP with it, you’re going to see massive complaints about healers being invulnerable.

The question isn’t “do people use healers as decoys” but “should that be the intended strategy.”

Too often I see people get upset when Blizzard makes balance adjustments because the way they’re playing seems like the way they’re intended to play. I disagree with that. If Blizzard thinks that healers are a bit too strong, then Blizzard isn’t intending for them to be that strong. How we happen to be utilizing the role isn’t relevant, and it’s up to us to adjust.

Then it’s not a problem if a DPS can kill them, a priest isn’t terribly dangerous on it’s own… since it’s not the heals or the shield that’s the real problem… right?

Healers provide incredible utility, I agree. The problem is that they provide unmatched utility alongside being un-killable unless focused. That heavily weights the entire thing in their favor, to the point that it’s not reasonable. Why should they bring not only the ability to make or break the fight with their healing alone, but the ability to do zero healing and still make or break the fight with all their utility?

The idea that you shouldn’t have to protect your healer seems faintly asinine to me. They’re your greatest asset and you shouldn’t have to worry about them either?

Speaking for myself, perhaps it shouldn’t be designed that way then. It just puts too much power in one persons hands, particularly if the drawbacks aren’t heavy.

Honestly, if you ask me, part of the issue really is Warmode. They’ve thrust World PvP into the spotlight, and they absolutely can not continue to maintain that World PvP isn’t balanced. They should do what they always should have done and balanced the game from the ground up, and then adjusted individual situations as necessary.

How many years did it take to start balancing PvP separately from PvE to even a minor extent? It should have always been a separate balancing system. Just like World PvP should be a separate balancing system.

Either way, the fact that a resto druid can come kill me for the lulz not because they have high DPS but because I have too few self-heals and I can’t do anything about them is one of a number of reasons I have zero interest in World PvP. Unless that changes it won’t matter.

“Arena strat” and “pvp norms” are contemporary and subject to change. I see no reason to be beholden to them forever.

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Very Fair statement

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So does that mean something like this…?