The only ‘real’ instructions that the Phenom II’s don’t have are the ‘advanced’ multimedia instructions that only benefit a work computer (which are built on the cheap with as few components as necessary). They’re main issue would be single threaded cores and slower clocks. Graphics issues have nothing to do with the CPU, those are the problem of the graphics card or Blizzards poor programming.
We have reported that newer and more demanding games runs just fine. Not everyone can afford new setups. Is expensive. Not everyone have rich parents, not everyone have good jobs. I expect that a game that have 15 years still supports 10 y/o processor. Don’t be rude.
It only takes one required and unsupported instruction set to break everything if there isn’t a more primitive instruction set to fall back on. Which is what it seems it is doing. Game is still running, but things are rendering inaccurately. Pretty much expected behavior.
Hope they can get it working for you guys, but if you don’t want to acknowledge that the writing is on there wall here, I don’t know what to say beyond being “livid” isn’t justified at this point. They aren’t going to support older CPUs indefinitely, and its unreasonable to expect them to.
Its time to upgrade.
its not. Raid/dungeon bosses are bugged, character customizations are bugged, theres so many things that are bugged right now. I for one, am happy they’re working on it.
i don’t think blizz even remembers the realm status page exists.
Exactly! Everything else runs top notch. This isn’t the same as the forum melt down over the SSD where its a quick $40 fix. This is essentially a whole new computer. Its not easy to justify that kind of unexpected purchase just for 1 game. ESPECIALLY when everything else runs smoothly.
Required or not written instruction. As far as we know, there’s plenty room to poor coding so far.
LOL. Sorry, this made me laugh because it is probably true. still I feel bad that even as experienced as Blizz should be at deloying patches, it is still a dumpster fire in a train wreck. I empathize with them. I am also a software developer and a Network Engineer.
I’m no one to judge someone’s finances but … it’s 2020 and if you live near a micro center you’re GG with their mobo cpu combos
Obviously you’re on a budget so if you can find one , AMD Ryzen three 3100 with a cheap b450 board and 16 gigs of gskill 3200 MHz or…
Intel 10100 i3 with a cheap B460 board and the same gskill 3200 MHz ram which will just down clock to 2666 MHz or 2933 MHz can’t remember
Anyways go with amd honestly it has a better upgrade path for cheaper for when you hit the lottery you can just throw in a R9 3900x and be GG for years and years !!
Also your power consumption with any newer i3 or anything under a Ryzen 3700x will be far less than your current set up
It runs okish.
My PC really needs some serious upgrades.
It’s like 4 years behind in upgrades.
The thing is… I shouldn’t have to. Every other new game runs perfectly. WoW runs perfectly. I should not have to build a brand new PC because Blizzard did something new with hair textures.
And its not like I’m the only one. The tech support thread is already approaching 350 replies, and those are just people who are active on the forums. I promise you there are a LOT more that are getting frustrated who are NOT active on the forums who are just going to unsub.
You don’t know that a lot of people are having serious texture issues with characters models?
I really hope this downtime fixes that. My characters are pure nightmare fuel at the moment with black for arms, hair, and feet. Also, no one has eyes anymore LOL
Every other game is not WoW, and Blizzard shouldn’t have to build their games around people that refuse to upgrade their hardware because “reasons”.
Those “reasons” being that WoW in addition to just about any other modern game with steeper requirements play just fine. If it was something simple like the SSD issue thats one thing. But we are talking about essentially building a new PC. On what planet is that justifiable?
Well, yeah, I mean the value of this one here, is almost what average people im my country earn in a month. So yeah, maybe if I don’t pay the rent in one month, and don’t eat in another, I can upgrade the CPU and the Motherboard, and can buy the memories.
On what planet is it justified to demand that developers continue to support decade and a half old CPUs because “well they worked in 2008 so they should work today!!” “Don’t use modern instruction sets and don’t you dare migrate to newer hardware, because I don’t want to upgrade my fifteen year old PC!!!1!!”
Absolutely get out of here with that nonsense.
Bro, the wheel of time spins on, and old hardware gets left behind, such is life. Upgrade or get left behind, its on you. Be glad you got so much life out of the old thing, considering its a miracle if phones are supported for three years.
Also, I can guarantee you that there are a thousand other unoptimized things breaking in the source code that you can’t see, that are falling back to older instructions sets, trying to compensate for your outdated hardware.
“Just hair textures”, right. You’re living in a fantasy world where the only things that exist are what you can see.
Or maybe you aren’t because…
Whole thread exists how its not running perfectly, make up your mind.
Don’t let me tell you how to live your life, but if you are that poor, why are you wasting $15/mo or whatever the exchange rate in your country is, on WoW? How many pound or kilos of rice could that buy in your country?
Because the entire game runs at 60+ fps otherwise. Its not justifiable to ask so many people to just go out and buy a new PC because they did something with hair textures. The response that will be gotten is “I can play any other modern game why the F should I buy a new PC for this?” and then unsub.
I’m not aiming for a fight bro, but that can work with your line of though as well.
They WILL support old setups if enough people aren’t able to upgrade their hardware, because they don’t want, or because they can not afford.
We don’t know the number of people that will not buy SL and will not maintain their signatures if this issue don’t be addressed.
In the end, is all about the money. People will have to upgrade their setups, plus, buy SL, plus keep the signatures. That is ask for a lot.
I’m having the same problem with the graphics on my computer. I’ll keep playing with it as it is for now and just change my transmogs to cover up as much of my characters as possible until they either get it fixed or until I can afford to spend the money to upgrade my computer.
I actually have the money that I could order the stuff to upgrade my computer right now, but I am having a medical problem right now and until I can get that took care of then get my car worked on, I’m not gonna spend the $450 it would cost to upgrade my computer. If nothing else I may just cancel my sub for my 2 accounts and play some of the other games I have until I can get the upgrade done.