Setting our Sights on 2022 for the 15th Anniversary of WoW Esports!

Why don’t they take that 1.8m dollars in prize money and make the game better?

I see it ending in the words of hank williams

Came in last night at half past ten
That baby of mine wouldn’t let me in
So move it on over (move it on over)
Move it on over (move it on over)
Move over, little dog 'cause the big dog’s moving in

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Exactly that is why we a re so divided


Should check achievments.

E SPORTS it’s all in the lame


… So we’re doing this again just to watch a bunch of sweaty chubs do the tango around a pillar for 30 minutes? Sounds cool. Listen, did you know that blue whales may weigh up to twice as much as the largest dinosaur? Now you do.


Advertisements aren’t the communication the community is looking for.


They posted another post shortly after this one that is more in line with what the community is looking for…

Of course nobody is interested in that thread…because they just want to be angry about this one

32 replies in 5 hours. GG everybody.

Since this thread has 280 posts talking about poor communication and that thread has been largely ignored…it makes you wonder what type of communication everyone is really looking for

I guess we’re not adults because we don’t harass women and make rape jokes.

Also to be more accurate:

Players: we don’t want e-sports (especially when you used our donations to fund the prize pool while pocketing the rest), prioritize fixing your game!

Blizzard: here’s e-sports!


Blizzard: this is what we get for communicating.


Y’all think Blizzard sees the response to announcements like these and consider that hey maybe pushing eSports isn’t the best idea right now?

Or is it just straight up


They do not read this forum. This announcement was computer generated based off approved media communication strategy.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Decent post but the reason why no one cares is because everyone already saw it on Wowhead already, in some cases, weeks ago.

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


So for something to be worthy communication to meet the community standards, they have to say something that WoWhead hasn’t already covered?

That’s setting the bar really high

Hello, I see you replied to my post. I’m not sure if you have sight problems or reading issues but I literally said it was a decent post.

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


By its nature, WoW will never be able to be an esport game.


Only if they get the ghost of Howard Cosell to do the play-by-play.

They’re just being edgy, because they like to create controversy. It’s dumb.

Also, more cat gifs are needed to display the proper annoyance with this Blizzard post:


The shills really are reaching in this one. A MMO doesn’t have an esports scene. Save that for Warcraft 4.


What a wierd thing to say. The top MMO in the genre for almost 17 years is celebrating the 15th anniversary of its eSport scene and your argument is that it doesn’t have an eSport scene.

Clearly at least 1 MMO has had an esport scene for 15 years so your statement can’t be true.

This has nothing to do with shilling, it’s a verifiable fact.

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excited to see this! looking forward to some awc!