Setting our Sights on 2022 for the 15th Anniversary of WoW Esports!

63% winrate isnt hardstuck my guy.

As much as I dislike eSports in WoW and the damage it has done, this is just misinformation.
They never did this. They said that the toys would go towards the prize pool but if it was below 500k they would make up the difference. It was just written in legal speak so lots of people misread it.

However, it really feels like at this point WoW eSports is just a sunk cost fallacy for ActiBlizz. They have burned so much money trying to get even a fraction of what LoL does.
Outside of SC/SC2 in S. Korea it has been a losing battle and that gofundme-esque tournament was a bit sad coming from a multi billion dollar AAA studio.


That makes a bit more sense, but honestly? If they’re not burning money and cooking the books, why even do this? It comes across as incredibly cheap and scummy. If esports are so desirable and profitable, why not double the prize pool with your 500k?

Even if they technically didn’t lie, as you said, it went down in history as bad press, along with other bad calls.

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It doesn’t matter what we think. I’m here for the memes.


Honestly, I don’t know why they did it that way. It was a recipe for disaster and I don’t remember seeing any positive feedback about it after it all went down.

It really seems like WoW is a test case for eSports for whatever else they try to put out. They are either playing the long game with it or someone with a lot of pull has a pet project they just won’t let go of.
It’s already over the hill though, so why not keep using it for live experiments while milking the cow a bit longer.

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I wonder if they will learn from this…

Esports is kind of lame.

yikes dude. I’d go into hiding if I was you. You are super average at best lol.


WoW esports? :confused: ick.


I’d imagine the conversation ends with you sleeping on the couch.


This… actually makes a lot of sense. Wiw has a sizable audience that is (for all intents and purposes) rather ambivalent towards esports when you account for both extremes.

Use wow as a PTR for decisions that would make deeper cuts on other games like COD.

Become youtube exclusive? Test the risk on wow.
Have players fund a prize pool? Test the risk on wow.

Your point makes a fair bit of sense.


If you noticed from the OP…this is the 15th anniversary.

If they haven’t learned that GD hates eSports in the last 15 years they never will

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But, are you also imagining that sofa is at a friend’s house? :smiley:


Plot twist! That friend has a Peloton.


And this point is entirely irrelevant. It doesn’t matter at all.

Why did Blizzard remove their portion of the 500k prize pool? They didn’t. This ‘controversy’ was created by a bunch of idiots who assumed a bunch of stuff without getting verification. The blog post that Blizzard at the time stated quite clearly that the prize pool would be a minimum of $500,000 split between the two events.

What this meant in practice, was that if donations only reached, say, $250k, then Blizzard would contribute $250k to bring the total up to the minimum and it wouldn’t go any higher than that. But donations exceeded $500k, so Blizzard did not contribute.

Why did Blizzard cancel the HoTS tournament? Because HotS was NOT drawing in enough people to make it profitable. Overwatch and WoW draw in a LOT more people than HoTS ever did, and the Esports scene for HoTS was abysmal.

And finally, why did they fire eSports people? Because they were not running large scale eSports events at that time thanks to COVID. Redundant employees generally don’t get to stick around and continue taking money while not actually having any work to do.

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Intentional misunderstanding is a very low form of troll. You know darn well what he means by communication. It sure as heck isn’t an advert for e-sports.


2353 exp is average?

Sept you don’t. I guess it’s on your other account lol. :rofl: :clown_face:


You should “set your sights” on making a better quality game first, then perhaps move into esports :thinking:


If you don’t like go hang out in the game so you don’t have to see people in here raging .

That’s unless you are here to just troll to get people to rage more so that you can rage more about their raging .

If that’s the case , have you considered getting professional help ?

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