Sethrak Will Never Be Playable

That was the popular demand. Sethrak, however, isn’t. As I said, make this forum(and Twitter/Reddit) drown in everything Sethrak, and then MAYBE they’ll consider making them playable.

Kul-tiran skeletons is somewhat modified skeletons of Male and Female vrykuls, which is funny, because for instance, Female Vrykul skeleton is heavily modified female orc skeleton.

Rexxar uses KT male skeleton, correct.

They do not, though. They don’t even have dressable models, like Naga, and even then it is done for more artistic freedom of dressing NPC’s into existing sets and armor pieces without need to model something from scratch.

I am hoping I’m wrong too, but I’m pretty much done giving dead-ends any of my emotional strength to dream for it and hope for it. Its tiring.

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If you check in the models tab. You can see the models. They have an eat animation… which is weird. (unless it’s just for the dungeon where they eat the eggs).

They also have cool swim animations. I think they would make an amazing allied race. They should be horde too! Honestly.

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Honestly they just have to fix the armor pieces which takes a bit but they did it for most races. And it being a worgen reskin makes it a bit easier. They mostly just have to work with the head stuff.


It occurs to me that a number of the OP’s points could’ve applied to Worgen before they were made playable.


coughs in Alliance shamans and druids Sethrak only have one loa really anyways, not that different from Worgen and Goldrinn.

They had a strong connection with the Zandalari and by extension the Horde

That’s a load of hogwash. This isn’t 2004 where we need to conform to basement dwelling quintuple chins wanting to whack it to emarginate stick figures. Having females be the stronger sex in 2020 would be a positive selling point.

Void Elves had a single elf who was in the game for 1 patch as a minor questing character in one zone. Mag’har orcs had… Etrigg for some reason?

Iunno, having the second most populated thread besides the high elf one seems like demand to me.

Okay level 10 forum troll, post on your real account.


In-game “cutscenes”.
Has nothing to do with being playable, sadly.

It wasn’t. Again, there’s a lot of races with actually DRESSABLE models, which was done solely for purpose of saving resources on modeling everything from scratch. The example for it is Tuskarr, Taunka, Naga. But then again, as I said, the Vulpera and Mechagnomes were decided to be playable long before you even heard of their existence. Its just the marketing team that makes you feel like they catering to your demand. That’s what they getting payed for.
Everyone on god’s green earth could hate Vulperas and even threat to delete accounts if they to be playable, and even then they would be added as playable regardless of the feedback.

Jinyu should be made playable first as the Alliance players have already gotten to exalted with two factions of them and they have all the armor sets represented on models in game. That said, I doubt we will get any new allied races in the near future.


That’s not the load of hogwash, though? Look at literally anything. Hell, even the Shadowlands. That big female thing from Maldraxxus that uses female KT body/skeleton. I mean, come on, don’t be ridiculous. And please, don’t be like that. I, for one, appreciate that Blizzard gives love to female bodies as they are. Because they are beautiful.

You confusing Lore reasons for Technical reasons. The thing you quoted is Technical reason.

Is this a bait? Because this is my real account.

On which I’m planning to make another topic soon.

Agreed. Give the Alliance our fighting fish!

That is true. They also possess the heart of azeroth animation. Which means they may have been planned to be playable. Which means they can still do it in the future. Remember blizzard has mounts in the game for like expansions sometimes until we see them in game. They could just be waiting for a good time. For example they are a race that’s underground which is unique, they are serpentine. I like them because they are serpent like, similar to Naga, but have more animations and legs which is easier to work with. They have a mount animation already, we have no excuses in that regard. I love there sleeping animation they curl up. You can currently see animations with rogue and the sap gylph and

I would think the ideal time to add Sethrak would be in a life related expansion. They could easily make filler content for them to be unlockable during a content gap via questline as promotion. If they were a neutral race they could easily fit in for something to get players back into the game. And they have a presence in Hearthstone which is good, they have concept art there.

Sethraliss was also recently reborn, so she may be involved in Shadowlands content via Ardenwield down the line. They could perhaps add a questline to get the aid of Sethraliss in upcoming patches or have her do something with Anima perhaps. She seems like a nature/lightning/healing loa which may fit in a life expansion too.


“There must always be a Troll Raid” -A Warcraft Truism

Given the close relationship with the Troll story, I think it’s very possible for threads of the Sethrak story to be written in the future. And if they are involved, there lies a possibility.

I think they’d be fun as heck.

Jinyu would also be an excellent choice for the Alliance race to balance Sethrak. Though I’d rather see them bring in jinyu and hozen together.

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It is a load of hogwash. Noone really cares besides you. Vulpera have some pretty minimal differences, and you can make all sorts of little sex differentiations from reptile biology. They dont need to have big, jigling mammaries.

It shows Blizzard adds allied races whenever they want. The fact that Lightforged, Highmountain and Mechagnomes exist are testament to the fact that they dont care about ‘popularity’.

9.2-9.3 at the earliest.


Or even the Gilblin. To be fair, I am not even a fan of Jinyu, I just see them as the most logical Alliance race from a development standpoint.

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I play multiple vulpera, and half the time I can’t tell if the vulpera I’m looking at is male or female unless they’ve gone topless.

I liked jinyu, but the ankoan annoyed the heck out of me (possibly because their stupid huge mounts were forever in the way). I’d take gilblin in a heartbeat, though.


What stands out to me the most is their Heart of Azeroth animation. They’re a model built mostly from the ground up, not a reskin of an existing model. (Ie: Ankoan. Not bashing them btw just saying they have all the male Nelf animations)

So a HoA animation is odd for a npc only race.

Also their sleep animation is so cute.


I honestly hope we get Kelfin customization on goblins. Goblins got screwed over this customization pass… If we get gilgolbin stuff I will be 100% more happy with them in Shadowlands. Kelfin have good skin tone diversity, tattoos and themes.


So why did we need another thread about this.

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I loved the Ankoan, would play a shaman of one in a heartbeat.

Also: “Should I fall today, bury me where I die. My spirit will watch over the battlefield for all eternity”

I have their voice lines burned into my memory.

Yes, I think they would make a good race. RIght now though they seem mostly neutral. They are closer to the horde via geography. All alliance settlements are now abandoned in lore to not provoke war (via the book). So I think them getting closer to the Vulpera/Zandalari would make sense lore wise unless the Vulpera provoke them somehow and push them towards alliance. I wouldn’t like that since the alliance got the whole Kul’TIran nations united, so I would like the same thing with horde and the Sethrak. I personally would like a story arc including the devoted and Sethraliss and uniting the loa with Gral and some of the other loa from the new troll clans!