Set your clocks back one hour!

Set your clocks back one hour!

Sure get sick of it though. I wish they would pass a law and get rid of it.


darn tooting.



I thought they did away with this a few years back?

lol maybe on the planet youve been living on

I lived in Hawaii for several years and didn’t have to deal with daylight savings nonsense. It was the best.

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There was a federal law they were talking about some time back that would ditch this. I guess it was never actually implemented.

There was medical reasons for it.

Yea Hawaii and MTN time zone don’t have to do any of this nonsense.

I like the system, but I seem to be in the minority. About this time of year I start having a hard time waking up and sleeping later and later, and like magic, I get to set the clocks back. In the spring I start waking up earlier and earlier, and poof, the clock adjusts for me. I like it.

While i do appreciate more daylight, especially around this time of year. it can be disorienting to your internal clock

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It’s daylight in the morning when no one needs it, though.


My cars clock will now be correct for the next six months.


When Spring Forward hits, we’re all allowed to be late at work lol.

The number of people who were like my clock didn’t reset!

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Predictably stalled or refused to be heard in the house in 2022. I think it died in committee.


Yea, makes sense, with the way our gov’t is.

That’s what happened. In 2022 they were working on a bill that would make April 2023 the last time change to DST. It didn’t make it on the roster by the end of the 2022 House, but was still on the table. Then the House flipped and virtually nothing got done in 2023.

Um time change already happened… like 2am this morning.

My computer and cell phone do their thing without my having to fool with it. I only have to change my watch, the clocks on the stove and microwave, and one or two others. It’s no big thing.

the kids walking to school need it.

Idk, same in Arizona, but still gotta figure out where everyone else is

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