Set your clocks back one hour!

But Benjamin Franklin would be heartbroken! lol

People still have clocks that need to be set manually? :wink:

But I agree, they need to get rid of it already.

I’m sorry my car isn’t smart.

I wish they’d get rid of this in Canada. However, virtually all my clocks are either Internet connected or are atomic, so most of them switch and set automatically.

I also purposely leave my microwave unset because the microwave is not a time telling device and it’s silly that it has a clock.

Still, it’s the principal of the whole thing that bothers me.

nowadays they do it automatically. get w/ the times op lol
i wish they stopped the daylight savings crap. no reason 2 be 1hr ahead.

i refuse to do this.

Rob, Set Your Clock Back

continues to laugh in Arizonan

I wanna say hawaii and arizona are the only two states that don’t observe it…

Although I believe that navajo nation does in arizona…

Not everywhere.

They are still trying to make it a national wide thing.

The extra hour of sleep is epic though.

Unless you work the night shift

What clocks do you have that isn’t digital? They all do it against my will.

I got a battery operated one but it’s for decoration so I don’t bother

Sigh, I just read your post and And didn’t read Who you were replying to…

Yeah I need to get my mind out of the gutter

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For the next 6 months my car will be an hour ahead.

Some states did pass it and Stopped it.

You mean Arizona and Hawaii? They stopped doing it in 1968 and 1967 respectively.
No state in recent history has passed any such law

more got added lately if i remember correctly read something on it last year but ya I also keep reading they are trying to pass it in all states but they been saying that for years now

or maybe it was states that are trying to pass the law in said state

I legit could have worded that better now that I look at it lol