Raid Time: Tu\We, 8-11p EST.
Server: Zul’jin
Faction: Horde
Service Now is led by a council of players, with experience leading Mythic prog guilds, but wanting to take a more chill approach on this go. It’s been a wild, but fun ride so far!
If you are interested please message me on discord,
Disc: Aerbax#2889 Aerbax#11297
few more hours to go ! woooo!
Are you guys still looking for more players?
Got Spriest/Disc (me) and a DH friend
You can reach out to Acid and we can go from there
Having some login issues, as most are.
So how does everyone like Dragonriding?
I am really enjoying dragon riding right now!!!
what do you do during downtime? sounds like a nap is in order!
Looking for a healer still, if anyone knows a person or two 
Looking for a Havoc DH, or Mage, if anyone knows one of those…
Hello friend,
If you are still in need of a healer I am a Holy priest searching for an aotc raiding guild. I also enjoy to run keys! My characters are already on Zul’jin so no worries about transfers. 
Zul’jin)Currently 379Ilvl holy/ret pally with 13+ years endgame raiding experience looking for hardcore progression guild to push current content. I have been in some of the top guilds on my servers at the current time and know what it takes clear content
Looking for about 3 more, and a Havoc DH.
Where are all the mages hiding?
Here, there be pixel monsters.