There was a maintenance sticky on the Bnet app yesterday but today when I logged in it was gone…it said down for 1 hr frame…just hang on it will be up shortly…
ill just keep rolling till it comes back…
Lol roll 3 to be safe
if i get to 3 im ordering skip!
my only day off, slept in, breakfast and coffee… realms all dead. why have you forsaken me blizzard?
Bahahha me too. I didnt take a sick day to sit here lol
Maybe the maintenance is undergoing maintenance.
inception style
Drugs are bad mkay. lol
Or the maintenancers are getting maintenance
I get that they may need to do extra stuff because of the launch. However, they should put up a notice (or not take it down from when it was apparently up yesterday). That can’t take that long or be that difficult. It’s not the hour that matters here, it is the lack of caring about the players that is the issue.
I wake & baked thinking I’d be able to use Hekili to do top damage this morning and now I can’t login.
I’d like to speak to the WoW manager please.
Mine are good, mmmkay
I misread your post to say “druids are bad” and I thought about the hero talents, and cried a little inside.
yea a slap in face they want your $$
Apparently there’s a bug with warbands that removes the maintenance notification on the login page - vrakthis confirmed it’s been reported upward so maybe that’s what they’re fixing today.
yep they never delay getting your money
Server list shows up in the login now… progress…
im close to like 800 runs on antorus on multiple accounts trying to get that ugly mount, theyre not getting my expansion money until i see that greasy pig under my orcs crack.
They gave us a free day not long ago. They’ll do so again if this lasts too long. Free WoW day costs less than a friggin candy bar.