Servers down?

I heard it’s a bunch of Timerunners running amuck. They’ve taken down the communications. You could hear them chanting “What’s the frequency Kenith” as the radios went silent.

If you know people who are in there it may be a good time to pick an Azerothian God and get to praying. The fan’s been hit people, the fan. has. been. hit.

Haaaay! You can see the servers now, but still can’t log in. We’re making progress!

Oh that’s a good point. Must be an issue with the remix character conversions.

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should have a message that read all your work was for nothing everyone will start out the same thank you for wasting your time

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remix players are worse than the pirate fruits, its a cult and they caused this.

All i want to do is run a muck with my timerunner

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Blizzard just finding out that a lot of Remix characters were gold capped and now they’re scrambling to fix the issue?

That’s my speculation, anyone else have any other interesting ideas?

I appreciate the generosity! But I’m just slinging jokes :stuck_out_tongue:

Gold capped?

There was a notification on the laucher last night, would be down 7AM PST to 8AM PST, though the notification was not there this morning.

I hopefully assume it’s just a short one! Let’s pray. haha

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help! i’m trying to get all my a mucking done and finished this morning but I can’t log in!

does anyone know what’s ahppening?

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if you spent time doing heroics on your time runner to get gear you lost it gear is all greens 467 level

Took 8 hours to go from 1 to 70

the timerunners have waged an open war on the retail characters, theyre battling to the death right now and losers will be deleted

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Thanks, Shocktech! Live from the field. They are really risking their blue hide for these details as they unfold.

And now the weather.
There will be some.


Okay, that made me laugh. :+1:


there was a notice yesterday after the update that there would be one today from 7am-8am pacific standard. it’s not there now for some reason, but it’s on schedule with the notice.

And I’m not? :wink:

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logged in now