Servers down forever, come say hi

Is it wrong to say that watching this all unfold from work is kinda amusing?

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Are we sure that Blizz didn’t mean 3PM on Wednesday?

Yup west Valley here

So, yeah, while we wait, anyone wanna Doordash me a beer? (can we say that here?) LUlz

I thought about it, then I changed my mind

what are the odds it gets pushed again

nice, never hear this enough

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another one i really like. has such a great, unique sound.

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Enjoy the heat island there guy. Totally do not know why you aren’t playing an Evoker.

Hi Givik,

I’m doing well, how are you? It’s a pretty miserable weather outside today on my side of the planet (assuming different) thus no grass touching will happen… I’m in Kalgoorlie Western Australia, working from home today (for reasons un related to pre patch, I swear)…

Have a great day :slight_smile:



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And a very nice guy. Met him when I was covering CES for a Vegas entertainment outlet. Still had an amazing voice and style.

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Silly of me to be surprised that the downtime lasted longer than originally posted. I was all excited to start playing and BAM…servers offline. So, I DID touch grass today and hung out at the pool…until it started to rain ,that is.

this is weird did Blizzard shoot all it’s hamsters and gerbils because it seems like they have a loose screw in their braincage

Oooo came to the forums for great content and got it. I’m stealing this, thanks!

This morning brought my macaw outside, she loves to help me ‘garden’. Played fetch with the bestest dog, got some Lacecap Hydrangea, Azealia and Astilbe root cuttings started. Sat on the back porch and watched a 6 demon bag of a storm roll in. I forgot about the patch until just a little bit ago when watching House of the Dragon-10/10. I don’t mind- the dirtiest of casuals. It does put me in mind of the good ol days, though :slight_smile:

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I went outside. It’s raining. Now I’m cruising the forums giggling at everyone’s posts about the servers still being down.

I just want servers to come back up so I can go kill alliance :frowning:

As far as “touching the grass”

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I thought it would be a good idea one morning to use vodka as my liquid base of choice; wow I don’t recommend.

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your channeling my teenage self