Servers down forever, come say hi

servers are down, blood sacrifice is required again!

I’m charlie brown junior


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When OP said “servers down forever” - they weren’t joking were they? :sob:


I went to see a movie after work, first movie in a theater in 4 years. Got home and the servers are still down. Will probably need to go to bed before they come back up again. But I did touch grass today, so that’s good.

Leave for work here in about 30 mins (for work at 10pm EST), work til 7am EST, then home by 8ish, straight to bed. Up around 2pm EST, might get to play before work tomorrow evening ;-;.

I just went outside for an hour. It was 104 degrees. Touching grass overrated.


and the wait keeps on going! good thing i bought chocolate milk,pizza, chips!

Underrated comment right here.

Nah, we didnt have a reception on our wedding day and were hitting our 20 year mark so we decided it would be fun


Hi everyone! First time posting, just hanging out with my wife till the servers come up.


Maybe they need to do a disk cleanup and a quick Defragment and boot in safe mode

To hot for touching grass. I’ll touch my keyboard and imagine grass in air conditioning.


I think they still have the best fries.

Welcome to the show LOL!

Can’t believe the servers are still down. Did they switch to Microsoft?


and i cant because the servers are down , the f servers are down the f servers are down. i have dailies to do its 3 f pm i wanna get my f dailies!!! I’m eating chips waiting for the servers to come on. turn the f webcam on! Dear blizzard C.s. bring up the f gd servers you sons of b…hes… bring up the f servers , bring up the f servers, watching that on youtube for pre launch requirements. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Is your wife seeing anyone?

How lame am I, and I’m in Colorado! My first thought is you meant anyone gonna go outside and walk in the grass? Duh,… nah, a MaiTai?.. well…