Servers down forever, come say hi

Servers still down :frowning:

I mowed my grass yesterday. Looks pristine, and no weeds.

lets all go play WOT till tomorrow…pew pew pew

Where I come from, grass touches you.
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Womp womp!

My PC is set up on my front lawn so ill be touching grass all night.

That was unnecessary.

I dont wanna touch grass there are bugs. And beneath the bugs is the worms. And beneath the worms is the devil. so no


Did that in the morning when it was cool outside. This is WoW time.

Then don’t read it? :man_shrugging:t2:

:frowning: this is crap why did Blizz screw up with this?

It always comes down to the big man in red huh. Well I got news for you sugar lips, if you keep swaying those hips left and right, the ambulance won’t need to come and get me, i’ll be in heaven already cutie pie.

No one will. It’s just pap to scroll past.

9:50am in Australia.

Been off work with Covid all week. Feeling semi human today although still huffing Vicks like a fiend to keep airways open. Could work from home but taking another day of rest to play the pre release before I get bogged down into adult life and responsibilities again.

Ate a carrot. Not sure what else will do while waiting.


You just need to eat another carrot bro

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Wait what is grass? All I see is sand, and I hate it

Okay, and?

I was bored at work, so I shared the Chat GPT story. It’s nothing profound, and wasn’t meant to be anything more than to pass the time.

Seriously, who pissed in your cheerios? Lighten up lmao.

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Ha, in the US and same here basically. Been sick with COVID all week, leveling MoP characters while I had the strength to be at my desk. Very excited to 1. Have my tastebuds back, 2. Be feeling better and 3. Play TWW prepatch!


my screen now says 7pm pdt … time for bed and ill be sick tomorrow.

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