Servers down, Blizz silent

Of course Idk how that works, why should I? That’s not my job. I am a customer. It’s their job to know how it works and they clearly don’t since they are doing so much worse than their competitors

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You can’t make me.

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Your assessment is completely wrong about the situation.

Have fun defending poor quality work

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lmao. That’s genuinely clueless talk.

What’s going on right now, servers randomly shutting down that customers pay for? I don’t want to be mean but I would call that poor quality work. It’s just disappointing to me for a billion-dollar company to perform like this.

I’m maybe clueless. But so are you. You’re clueless. Bye

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Tell me you’ve never touched anything related to servers without telling me

You both have pretty hair.

The only clueless one here is you. Are you saying that if you buy a car and it ever has issues or needs repairs that it’s poor quality work and unacceptable because you paid for it?

Things break bro, things need maintenance. They aren’t sitting around like “well guys WoW was a good run have a good life”. You clearly have some sort of mental issues and without WoW you have absolutely no identity which is why it upsets you so much. Do something else with your time


Do they need to post “Working on it. No ETA” every hour or something?
Because no news surely conveys the same thing.


I’d say it’s more like a standard oil change taking 24 hours for some unknown reason.

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An oil change is routine preventative maintenance. Clearly there is more at work than that

Client could have filled the oil pan with the wrong fluid causing an engine rebuild or scrap. Blown gaskets causing other issues

FF14 does maintenance like once a month lol.

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Isn’t that what Tuesdays are for the better part?

Well considering prepatch starts next week one could assume there’s more than just the standard maintenance being done

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That’s fair.

Personally I’m not peeved but I also haven’t had any login issues other than some slow load screens.

Poor quality things break. I have literally never not once tried to log into GW2 and not been able to in my 6+ years of playing it.

Vs WoW where that might happen multiple times per year, not for scheduled maintenance.


Does anyone want to tell them about BMWs and Mercs?

Nah the good thing about buying a BMW is that once you buy one you never worry about repairs because they are indestructible and don’t require any maintenance ever.

No sense arguing with the mentally ill lol. He’s so lost and delusional it’s not even funny. He’s like an alcoholic going through withdrawals, just leave him alone

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