Nah, I see the post you’re linking.
Usually that leads to “character with that name already exists”.
I just went to bed lol.
Yes, thats… normal.
yeah there nothing to worry about folks. we are getting everything in place so our players can have a smooth transition from mop remix and retail into the pre patch…
rofl… np I have patience… there no rush , oh wait… it pre patch launches nex week
***** PANIC*** RED ALARMS GO OFF … rofll… just kidding…
True I feel sorry for the interns though.
If you’re foaming at the mouth trying to play WoW maybe you need to get away from WoW for a bit. This is probably your time to do so.
Don’t tell me what to do, internet stranger.
This is a SLAP in the face.
Maybe they have, Idk. Yesterday when we had problems with logging in a blue posted in a thread about it.
So I imagine it’s a similar issue being carried over to today. They had maintenance earlier and the prepatch is probably being prepared and it’s tech.
Anything tech related always crashes, glitches, gets constipated in some way.
This isn’t new, it’s been going on since the inception of tech so all I can suggest is to be patient and take this opportunity to talk nonsense.
You know a great way to not be upset about servers being down on a Tuesday is to work or engage in any infinite number of alternative hobbies
You could be playing paper Mario thousand year door remake on the switch right now
Are the beta servers still down?
I imagine it’s hard. They probably have 10 layers of approval to pass through, and maybe it’s very technical information (as I imagine server management problems would be) that the person writing the message might not understand themselves. Then you also have to explain that information to the audience which includes 13 year olds.
Or, they could post a message without knowing what’s going on like “Hey players! The servers are down and we have no clue what’s wrong or when they’re going back up.” Which would look terrible for the company.
Yeah, that looks pretty bad. It’s like they don’t have a clue what’s going on anymore.
God forbid the servers are down and you actually have to go do something else in the middle of summer. Slap on that sunscreen and crawl out of the dungeon
It doesn’t. lol.
You think Blizz servers have been acceptable this xpac? They’ve had so much downtime and maintenance it makes me think they fired the only people who knew anything.
GW2 uploads expansions while players are playing the game by the way. Compared to competitors, WoW’s servers are horrendous.
If you think server issues is what it takes to make blizzard look bad I would suggeset you take a hard look at every other software you use when they have unexpected downtime, the fact they have made it high priority tells you they are figuring things out on a scale you can’t even fathom. This is the kind of talk only possible coming from people who have no idea how that stuff works.