Most players moved on once something new came out. And the lack of DC protection and bug protection accelerated HC death. And we warned and cried about it on the forums since launch and the purists cried that it would be abused (so what. I’d rather not lose 200+ hours of gameplay due to crappy server DC). So here we are. Enjoy your dead game mode HC purists, this is on you. We warned you this would happen.
Oh HC! Aren’t you playing SoD?
Interesting, I see people everywhere I go on my server.
yeah and what server is that. because defias pillager alliance has like a 70% reduced pop.
What server are you talking about? Skull has way less players than before. Stuff on the AH I normally have no issue selling, doesn’t sell out in one 8 hour block. Way less people in SW. I was lvling my warrior and saw 2 people while grinding for 2 hours. I usually see a good 20 people during that block (because of the ilvl I am at) if not more.
As a soloist, I welcome this change…
Cause HC was a fad. The new fad SoD is in now and that too will die when the new one comes along. It’s not sustainable on its own.
Have had no problem on my current grind getting RFC, WC and SFK runs.
Have you tried being a tank or heals??
Imagine crying about imaginary problems after multiple versions of the game all come out with new content in short succession.
You die, you die.
It’s pretty nice right now.
Sure the pop is down. Anyone who thought it would be any different doesn’t know the community very well.
HC players are Classic players and Classic players are, mostly, interested in seeing a new take on their favourite. People are trying something and deciding what they like.
I’m sticking with HC, and I’ve already noticed a lot more people back now than a week ago. Not worrying me, still just playing my own game.
I’d almost hug an Alliance toon at this point… Almost

I’d almost hug an Alliance toon at this point…
lots of cope here. we warned that hc would be dead in a few months if there was no dc protection and look where we are.
The decline in the population has nothing to do with DC protection, its completely based on the launch of SOD, and as people get tired of that they will migrate back to WOTLK/CATA, ERA and HC. There isn’t anything new or exciting about ERA and that’s all HC is, people will come and go simply based on where they are with whatever content is currently drawing their attention.
Honestly, if you are going to complain about DCs you shouldn’t even be on a HC server,.
I’m thankful that I have different flavors of wow that I can play depending on what I feel like that evening.
Sometimes it’s HC. Sometimes wrath. Sometimes SoD.
It’s nice having a lot of choice.
You’re mad because they dont destroy hardcore to please a softcorer like you so yoy are crying. Cry more.
Has anyone else not bothered to even try out SoD?
I’d be interested in SoD if I hadn’t already leveled (8) characters to Level 20 by the exact day SoD released.