I just hit 60 on my dwarf priest on HC. The endgame felt kinda dead alliance side, so I said I’ll just join my buddies on the pvp server and transfer. You aren’t allowed to transfer to pvp server from HC? Are you kidding me???
It is WAY more difficult to hit 60 on hardcore than to level on a pvp server farming dungeons for 30 levels. This is just crazy. Blizzard could be raking in money from people buying transfers, and it’s better for people to be able to play where they want. Not to mention they really need to get rid of the old restrictions on not being able to play Horde and Alliance on the same account on PvP servers. That system was from twenty years ago and it’s completely dated.
I just lost all motivation to continue playing, when I’m unable to play where I want. And I’m sure there are others like me. They also need to give clarification on if characters from the old hardcore servers will be able to continue on in TBC etc. Need some input from Blizz here.
Add race changes as well. Nobody wants or needs these limitations placed on their characters in the current age of wow gaming.
It was clear before the Anniversary servers were launched that HC characters could NOT go to Nightslayer (the PvP server) unfortunately that is your own error.
I really wish HC never allowed people to transfer to PvP in era. It created a new group of players that game this interaction in a way that was never intended. The rule was always you weren’t allowed to transfer PvE to PvP. HC servers are PvE, not PvP.
Also, elephant in the room. The obvious intention here is to farm on HC with less competition and then transfer to the PvP server to sell stuff for more gold. AH prices on the PvP server are a lot higher than they are on the PvE server.
Very weird gatekeeping. You’d rather let the game be less fun and not let people play where they want/with friends, than allow people to transfer to the pvp server?
Saying it’s because of farming/gold issues when bots already run rampant throughout the game? lol
No, it’s because PvE to PvP transfers were never allowed. Hardcore for whatever reason, broke this rule for era, but they fixed it for Anniversary realms.
I’m all for Hardcore to PvP transfers, but only if they make a Hardcore PvP server for people to transfer from. No PvE to PvP server transfers.
If you want endgame content why not just transfer to Dreamscythe? Plenty of guilds would LOVE a dwarf priest to flesh out their rosters.
If playing with your buddies is something you wanted to do why didn’t you level with them and/or why didn’t they join you in HC and/or why don’t they join you in Dreamscythe?
If you wanted to take your hc PvE character to PvP and gank low level chars who have invested the time, effort, ganks to be at the level they are…no, that’s bullcorn. While I think PvP servers have bad rulesets I can respect the players who are willing to be under PvP shenanigans 24/7.
However, now is a perfect time to prove yourself as a PvP player by leveling a new character with the knowledge that open world PvP is going to get more intense in the near future.
No one, not a single person in this entire thread is gatekeeping you… it was your own decision to play HC and not take note that you could NOT go to the PvP server.
In Era, you’ve actually been able to transfer from PvE to PvP, and from PvP to PvE, since 2021/2022. I believe it started when SoM ended. They also allowed same factions on the same PvP server via Free Character Moves (still works today) which is what HC utilizes to transfer to Era.
But as others have said, in Anniversary, they stated from the start this would not be allowed.
You get a warning now every time you roll on a PvP server. Apparently the game now protects you from yourself, and once you make your decision, you don’t get to change that decision. Only free transfers allowed by the game in limited circumstances are allowed. This is the new approach, and the game for some reason is prioritizing protecting you from yourself over allowing you to pay to transfer where you want to play.
Also, race change is not a thing in vanilla versions of WoW.
Sorry for the bad news, this one is going nowhere.
What we are seeing is HC and the PvE server are dead/dieing. If they are hoping to retain players for longer than one phase they will have to open transfers from PvE to PvP.
It is what it is. But even the latest ironforge pro logs show the PvP server is terribly pop’d as well. Doesn’t look like anniversary realms will survive for much longer.
Ironforge.pro is just warcraftlogs users. Lots of people are raiding and not logging. Does greench invalidate logs still? Cause if so, I imagine most pugs are going to not show up on warcraft logs for the next 2 weeks.