Server populations?

I went to make a Ret pally today in a server to prepare for wotlk. I get one and a lvl 2 mage finds me to tell me to get off the server bc horde population essentially zero. I did a population search for serves and the realm was 99% alliance lol.

Now I’m worried about leveling another toon on a all horse server and it flipping in wotlk. I don’t remember this issue when wotlk was current. My server was probably a little more horse orientated but it felt pretty balanced.

Anyways, is there a solution or proposed solution for server imbalance? What’s the point of a pvp server if everyone is one sided


so that unskilled high lvl players can pick on low level and ungeared players, nothing else to it

It’s my perception that the only ‘solution’ offered is server transfers. I’ve seen folks ask which are the (more) balanced servers in the forum. I’m not sure about actual population figures. I don’t believe Blizz publishes them anymore. You probably don’t remember this issue in Wrath because there were 12+M players at the time and there’s nowhere near that many now. When I think about trying a new server, I create a toon, go to an AH, and see how many entries there are. E.g., on my TBCC server, there’s 20-30k entries on the Alliance side. On my Classic Era server, there’s 2-3k and that AH is cross realm whereas the TBCC AH is not. That having been said, I wish you good luck with your pally.

At this point, it’s fair to say that nothing will probably change with the server populations.

This is something that I care about too.

Here’s some server population info (I think you saw it but this is still worth referencing). You can see how bad things have gotten:
WoW TBC Classic Server population (

If you are big into having the other faction around in a PVP way Grobbulus is very good. Grobbulus is RP and it’s really important to respect that, and if you cannot you should play somewhere else.

If you don’t really care about the server pop % then for horde Faerlina, Whitemane and Mankrik (PVE) should be safe.

It’s good that the mage warned you, no joke, so you didn’t spend more time in a bad situation on Benediction.


We’ll see! I hadn’t expected such drastic population shifts coming out of WoW Classic, but with TBC Classic, we sure saw some major changes to server populations.


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There is this scenario but there are other scenarios where equally skilled players meet.

Your wording gives me the assumption that you were ganked and perhaps farmed by a higher level player which made you bitter towards wpvp and you think that is all wpvp is but the beauty of it is that you get revenge later on if you’re actually good or you find out that you still need practice if the same player wrecks you on equal grounds.

Personally this is my favorite part about wpvp, being ganked while leveling by a higher level player and then finding them again once you’re that level to get revenge. I enjoy rivalry and what not which is why all forms of pvp appeal to me.


wpvp is something I did in som, but as far as pvp goes best to just stick to a megaserver and do bgs.

Because the megaservers will always have larger chance of finding someone to raid with. As well a small difference in % in a megaserver is much more noticable than on small servers. I think som jom-gabbar has a good balance.

To add to this, Grobbulus busted its butt to restore its 50/50 balance. Right now we’re leaning a tiddly bit to Horde side, but unfortunately, even with no faction change service, its too early to say which side to roll on.

We could regain 600 more Alliance then suddenly everyone rolls/boosts a Human come Wrath.

OP, if you are rolling here, keep balance in mind and choose wisely.


Nobody wants to play on the weaker server faction.

On one hand they offer free transfers off of dead realms from time to time, but on the other they usually go by entire population numbers. If your faction is the 1% on a megaserver… I’ve never seen free swaps off of those.

With the way the server pops are headed just roll on Faerlina, Mankrik, or Whitemane.

Or if you want a more normally balanced server, Grobbulus.

Every other server is either Alliance or Dead.

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I’m on Bene horde and according to theres less than 200 of us… I know that number is lower than the real number because my guild has 900 members, and half of them have logged on in the last week.

I’m thinking of transfering to Grobbulus at some point, but what does RP really mean? Am I not allowed to talk normal or something?

I’ll link you an article but there are probably others who are more heavily into RP and can explain it better:
Roleplaying | WoWWiki | Fandom

There are some add-ons and things if you want to create character backstories.

However it’s not totally necessary, I’ve had characters on RP server for years and have never done tons of RP but have always respected those who do. I’d mostly say the #1 rule is to not mock RPing because people do this (even though they’re playing an RPG game…) and I’d also say playing as your character instead of talking about totally off topic real world stuff in the /say and general chat channels.

I like to tell people about the RP element when I suggest Grobbulus because I really don’t think it’s fair to the residents that are really into RP to have their server culture messed up by people who aren’t respectful of RPing, even though I think the server is very good and fun.

Basically it just means “Do not troll the RPers.”

Beyond that just do whatever you want. The RP Community for Classic never really got off the ground anyway.

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